Land Adjoining Martins Mill Wards Lane, Congleton, Dane-in-Shaw CW12 3LN
For Sale
Lot 1 : 2.03 acres (0.820 hectares)
Lot 2 : 3.84 acres (1.554 hectares)
For Sale by Private Treaty
This sale offers the opportunity to purchase one or both of the lots, each with MAFF grade 3 pasture land and access over a river bridge. Lot 1 extends to 2.03 acres of pastureland inclusive of a spinney with a small wooden field shelter for small livestock running along its western boundary and an area of the Dane-in-Shaw brook to its eastern boundary. Lot 2 provides 3.84 acres of grassland including a spinney running from its north-east to its southern boundary with an area of coppice and a section of the brook course to its western boundary. Whilst the brook course offers natural water to each lot as well as a pleasant amenity, this does come with a flood risk in the event of a very wet spell.
The land is situated in a semi-rural location off Ward’s Lane, to the east of Congleton. It benefits from good proximity to nearby towns being situated approximately 2 miles west from the centre of the market town of Congleton, just over 3 miles south from the town of Biddulph, 9 miles east from the market town of Leek and 14 miles from the city of Stoke on Trent.
From Congleton, head east picking up the A527 towards Mossley. At the crossroads adjacent All Saints Congleton Holy Trinity Church, turn left onto Reade’s Lane. Continue for half a mile and then turn left onto Wards Lane, indicated by the “For Sale board”. Follow the road for approximately 180 yards and park in the Fisherman’s carpark to your left.
Then continue on foot to the end of Ward’s Lane and you will see the access bridge into Lot 2 on your right.
What Three Words : peanut.basic.bids
We are not aware of any services connected.
Prospective purchasers must make their own enquiries in relation to the availability and suitability of all services.
Nitrate Vulnerable Zone
The land is situated within a nitrate vulnerable zone, which places restrictions on the use of nitrate fertiliser and storage of organic manure.
This designation is common to the surrounding land.
Tenure and Possession
The land is sold freehold with vacant possession upon completion.
Sporting ,Timber and Mineral Rights
The Sporting, Timber and Mineral rights are included in this sale as far as they exist on the land.
The land may be viewed at any reasonable time within daylight hours, when in possession of a copy of these particulars. Please park carefully in the Fisherman’s carpark, situated to your left half way along Ward’s Lane.
What Three Words : waving. float.swim
Rights of Way, Wayleaves and Easements
Lot 1, outlined green on the sale plan, is accessed via a right of way over lot 2, outlined blue on the sale plan, as indicated by the brown line.
Lot 2 is accessed via a right of way lying to the south of the property known as Riverside and to the north of Mill Pond Lodge.
There is a public right of way crossing over Lot 2 from its north-east corner to south-east corner.
There is a telegraph pole and overhead wires in Lot 1.
The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, wayleaves and easements whether or not they are described in these particulars.
Method of Sale
The land is offered for sale by Private Treaty.
Vendor's Solicitors
Emma Bethell
Nigel Davis Solicitors, 3-4 Spire House, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1DG
T: 01335 346772
Local Authority
Cheshire East Council, Delamere House, Delamere Street, Crewe, CW1 2LL.
T : 0300 123 5500
Money Laundering Regulations 2017
Please note that all purchasers must provide two forms of identification to comply with the Money Laundering Regulations 2017. Proof of identification and proof of residence.
Agents Notes
Bagshaws LLP have made every reasonable effort to ensure these details offer an accurate and fair description of the property. The particulars are produced in good faith, for guidance only and do not constitute or form an offer or part of the contract for sale. Bagshaws LLP and their employees are not authorised to give any warranties or representations in relation to the sale and give notice that all plans, measurements, distances, areas and any other details referred to are approximate and based on information available at the time of printing.