Land at Stone Park Redhill Road, Stone ST15 8BJ

Sold STC


Sold STC
Full Details
Floor Plans
Area Map
An excellent opportunity to purchase approximately 16.67 acres (6.748 hectares) of productive grassland, with a pond and small area of woodland, on the edge of Stone.

This land offers the opportunity to purchase a versatile block of agricultural land, comprising a 13.99 acre (5.664 hectare) grassland field parcel and further 1.02 acre (0.413 hectare) grassland parcel with an attractively banked and tree lined pond. The land is bound by a mixture of woodland and mature hedgerow boundaries, with a number of hedge line trees. An area of 0.99 acres (0.398 hectares) of adjoining woodland is included in the area offered for sale.
The land is accessed via a right of way over a track leading from Redhill Road. The track continues along the southern boundary of the land and is fenced out and separated by a mature hedgerow. The land is classified as Grade 3 under the MAFF Agricultural Land Classification Scheme.

The land is situated on the eastern edge of the town of Stone, with access via a track leading from Redhill Road. The block of land benefits from good connectivity to major arterial roads such as the A34, A51 and M6.

From J14 of the M6 at Stafford (Creswell Interchange), take the A34 (Aston Link Road), following signs for Stone. At the first roundabout take the second exit to continue on the A34. At the second roundabout take the first exit to stay on the A34 heading north towards Stone. After 0.5 miles, take the second exit to continue on the A34 for another 3 miles. At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit on to the A51. After approximately 0.4 miles, take a left turn onto Aston Link Road. At the T junction, turn left onto the B5027 (Lichfield Road). Continue for approximately 1 mile, over the crossroads and passing an Esso garage on your left, take the right-hand turn onto Church Street, which is located opposite a line of roadside trees. After 0.2 miles, continue around a sharp right-hand bend onto Redhill Road and over the railway line. Turn right onto Redhill Road after another 0.2 miles, where the entrance to the track leading to the land can be found to the righthand side of a row of 3 garages.

What Three Words///

No mains services are currently connected. Prospective purchasers must make their own enquiries as to the availability and suitability of all services.

Tenure and Possession:
The land is sold freehold with vacant possession upon completion.

Sporting, Timber and Mineral Rights:
The sale includes all timber, mineral and sporting rights which may exist on the property.

Rights of Way, Wayleaves and Easements:
The land is accessed via a right of way at all times for agricultural purposes over the track coloured brown on the sale plan. The land is also subject to access rights over the track along its southern boundary for the benefit of neighbouring land. A public footpath (Stone Town 6) also passes through, along the southern boundary of the land over the track.
The land is crossed by overhead electricity lines.
The land is offered subject to and with the benefit of, any rights of way both public and private, all wayleaves, easements and other rights whether or not specifically referred to.

The land may be viewed at any reasonable time when in possession of a copy of these particulars. Please park carefully.

Method of Sale:
The land is offered by Informal Tender with the closing date for offers to be submitted to Bagshaws LLP. All offers should be accompanied with proof of funds to cover the value of the offer made.
All tenders must be received at Bagshaws Ashbourne Office, Vine House, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1AE by 12 NOON on Friday 15th November 2024.
It should be noted that the vendor is not bound to accept the highest or indeed any tender. Any accepted offer is at the sellers absolute discretion.

Vendor's Solicitors
Hutsby Mees Solicitors, 5,6 & 7a St Mary’s Grove, Stafford, ST16 2AT
T: 01785 248222 E:

Local Authority:
Stafford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Tel: 01785 619000

Money Laundering Regulations:
Please note that all purchasers must provide two forms of identification to comply with he Money Laundering Regulations 2017. Proof of Identification and Proof of Residence. The documentation collected is for this purpose only and will not be disclosed to any other party.

Agents Notes:
Bagshaws LLP have made every reasonable effort to ensure these details offer an accurate and fair description of the property. The particulars are produced in good faith, for guidance only and do not constitute or form an offer or part of the contract for sale. Bagshaws LLP and their employees are not authorised to give any warranties or representations in relation to the sale and give notice that all plans, measurements, distances, areas and any other details referred to are approximate and based on information available at the time of printing.