Lot Three, Land off Green Lane, Marchington, Uttoxeter ST14 8LQ
Sold STC
The land is available as a whole extending to 29.81 Acres of grassland or alternatively in three separate lots. Buyers are encouraged to offer on any combination of the lots they are interested in.
Lot Two
19.49 Acres of productive level grassland with direct access off Green Lane.
Lot Three
6.92 Acres of productive level grassland land and direct access off Green Lane.
The land is classified as Grade 4.
Green Lane is accessed off the junction of Hall Road and The Square in the centre of the village. The land will be identified by a Bagshaws For Sale Board.
The land has mains water connected and should the land be sold in lots provision will be considered for sub-metering.
Tenure and Possession
The land is sold freehold with vacant possession upon completion.
Timber, Sporting and Mineral Rights
All timber, mineral and sporting rights are included within the sale as far as we are aware.
The land may be viewed on foot at any reasonable time when in possession of a copy of these particulars. Any gates should be left secured and as they were found. Viewing is entirely at your own risk . Please park carefully so as not to block the land and take care if there are any livestock in the fields.
Rights of Way, Wayleaves and Easements
The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, wayleaves and easements whether or not they are described in these particulars. We are aware that wayleaves agreements exist for mains electricity cables, pylons and posts.
Vendor's Solicitors
Bowcock & Pursaill, 9-11 Carter Street, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8HB.
T: 01889 598888
Local Authority
East Staffordshire Borough Council, PO Box 8045, Burton on Trent, DE14 9JG
Agents Notes
Bagshaws LLP have made every reasonable effort to ensure these details offer an accurate and fair description of the property. The particulars are produced in good faith, for guidance only and do not constitute or form an offer or part of the contract for sale. Bagshaws LLP and their employees are not authorised to give any warranties or representations in relation to the sale and give notice that all plans, measurements, distances, areas and any other details referred to are approximate and based on information available at the time of printing.