Six Lots of Land Available, Chesterfield

To Let


To Let
Full Details
Floor Plans
Area Map
144.72 acres (58.56 hectares) of arable land in rotation for combinable crops, and 25.84 acres (10.45 hectares) of grassland TO LET By INFORMAL TENDER Available from 29th, September 2024, by way of 2 Year Farm Business Tenancies, as a whole or in 6 lots: Lot 1— 38.26 acres (15.48 hectares)  ||   Lot 2—25.84 acres (10.45 hectares)  ||   Lot 3— 44.82 acres (18.14 hectares)  ||   Lot 4—21.11acres (8.54 hectares)  ||   Lot 5—25.73 acres (10.41 hectares)  ||   Lot 6— 14.80 acres (5.99 hectares)  

LOT 1 - Land to the North of Wetlands Lane
The land extends in total to 33.63 acres of productive arable land in rotation for combinable crops, and a further 4.63 acres of grassland capable of being both mown and grazed by all types of livestock and horses.

The land is bounded by way of mature hedgerows, supplemented by post and wire fencing, and benefits from convenient roadside access.

The land is classified as Grade 4 under the MAFF Agricultural Land Classification scheme with soils being classified as a mixture of freely draining, slightly acid loamy soils, and slowly permeable seasonally wet acid loamy and clayey soils, which is common to much of the land in the area.

The land is situated within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ).

LOT 2 - Land to the South of Westmoor Road
The land extends in total to approximately 25.84 acres.

The land is all laid to pasture, and divided by way of dry stone walls and mature hedgerows, supplemented by post and wire fencing. The land is principally gently sloping in gradient, and considered suitable for a mixture of both mowing and grazing for all types of livestock and horses. The land also benefits from convenient access.
A public footpath is situated to the southern boundary.

The land is classified as Grade 4 under the MAFF Agricultural Land Classification scheme with soils being classified as a mixture of freely draining, slightly acid loamy soils, and slowly permeable seasonally wet acid loamy and clayey soils, which is common to much of the land in the area.

The land is situated within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ). .

LOT 3- Land to the North of Dunston Road
The land extends in total to 44.82 acres of productive arable land in rotation for combinable crops.

The land is bounded by way of mature hedgerows, supplemented by post and wire fencing, and benefits from convenient roadside access.

A public footpath is situated through the block of land.

The land is classified as Grade 3 under the MAFF Agricultural Land Classification scheme with soils being classified as slowly permeable seasonally wet acid loamy and clayey soils, which is common to much of the land in the area.

The land is situated within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ).

LOT 4 - Land to the South of Dunston Road
The land extends in total to 21.11acres of productive arable land in rotation for combinable crops.

The land is bounded by way of mature hedgerows, supplemented by post and wire fencing, and benefits from convenient roadside access.

The land is classified as Grade 3 under the MAFF Agricultural Land Classification scheme with soils being classified as slowly permeable seasonally wet acid loamy and clayey soils, which is common to much of the land in the area.

The land is situated within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ). .

LOT 5 - Land to the East of Dunston Lane
The land extends in total to 25.73 acres of productive arable land in rotation for combinable crops.

The land is bounded by way of mature hedgerows, supplemented by post and wire fencing, and benefits from convenient roadside access.

The land is classified as Grade 3 under the MAFF Agricultural Land Classification scheme with soils being classified as slowly permeable seasonally wet acid loamy and clayey soils, which is common to much of the land in the area.

The land is situated within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ). .

LOT 6 - Land to the North of Worksop Road
The land extends in total to 14.80 acres of productive arable land in rotation for combinable crops.

The land is bounded by way of mature hedgerows, supplemented by post and wire fencing, and accessed via a right of way from Worksop Road.

A public footpath is situated to the eastern boundary.

The land is classified as Grade 4 under the MAFF Agricultural Land Classification scheme with soils being classified as slowly permeable seasonally wet acid loamy and clayey soils, which is common to much of the land in the area.

The land is situated within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ). .

Lot 1— what3words:///wiped.faced.hang
Lot 2— what3words:///maybe.dock.period
Lot 3— what3words:///cubes.wrong.larger
Lot 4— what3words:///level.jeeps.remove
Lot 5— what3words:///much.visual.quarrel
Lot 6— what3words:///aside.stage.those

Access, Rights of Way, Wayleaves and Easements
The tenant is responsible for ensuring that Public Rights of Way are not obstructed and that any furniture (stiles, gates, etc) serving the routes are maintained in sound and safe condition.

Local Authority
Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield S40 1LP.

Mineral, Sporting and Timber Rights
Reserved to the Landlord.

The land may be viewed at any reasonable time when in possession of a copy of these particulars.

The Farm Business Tenancies will commence on the 29th September, 2024, and end on the 28th September, 2026. A copy of the standard form tenancy agreement is available on request.

Application Process
Tenders are to be submitted by 12 noon on Thursday 12th September, 2024.
All applications received will be acknowledged upon receipt.

Tender Form
Applications and all correspondence in connection with applications should be sent by email to

Agents Notes
Bagshaws LLP have made every reasonable effort to ensure these details offer an accurate and fair description of the property. The particulars are produced in good faith, for guidance only and do not constitute or form an offer or part of the contract for sale. Bagshaws LLP and their employees are not authorised to give any warranties or representations in relation to the sale and give notice that all plans, measurements, distances, areas and any other details referred to are approximate and based on information available at the time of printing.