Woodland at, Waltons Wood Chartwell Avenue, Walton, Wingerworth Chesterfield S42 6SR

For Sale


For Sale
Full Details
Area Map
This sale of a delightful block of woodland offers an exceptional opportunity to purchase an attractive area of woodland conveniently located not far from the town of Chesterfield.

Viewing is essential to appreciate the interest of the woodland and its considerable environmental and timber qualities

The woodland is situated close to Chesterfield in a delightful rural position and extends to 7.5 acres (3.03 Ha) or thereabouts.

From Chesterfield proceed on the A632 towards Matlock and after approximately 2 miles you will see our “For Sale” sign on the left. There is a parking area beside a gate and on foot one can follow the farm track for about 400 yards reaching the gate into Walton Woods.

Beck Wood is approximately 750 yards further down the track and is on your right hand side marked with a gate and name.

We are not aware of any services being connected to the wood.

Tenure and Possession
The land is sold freehold with vacant possession upon completion.

Mineral, Sporting and Timber Rights
As far as we are aware mineral, sporting and timber rights are included within the sale insofar as they exist.

Please contact the Ashbourne Office if you require vehicular access. Alternatively if you are prepared to access on foot please have a copy of Bagshaws sales particulars to hand.

Rights of Way, Wayleaves and Easements
The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, wayleaves and easements whether or not they are described in these particulars.

There is a small section of a public footpath that crosses the southern section of the wood.

Method of Sale
The land is offered for sale by Private Treaty.

Vendor's Solicitors
Nigel Davis Solicitors, 3-4 Spire House, Waterside Business Park, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1DG. Contact: Denise Graham

Local Authority
Chesterfield Borough Council, Gravel Lane, Chesterfield, S41 7LF.

Agents Notes
Bagshaws LLP have made every reasonable effort to ensure these details offer an accurate and fair description of the property. The particulars are produced in good faith, for guidance only and do not constitute or form an offer or part of the contract for sale. Bagshaws LLP and their employees are not authorised to give any warranties or representations in relation to the sale and give notice that all plans, measurements, distances, areas and any other details referred to are approximate and based on information available at the time of printing.