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Budget Impacts on Defra Spending

As a result of yesterday’s budget announcement, the Delinked Payments reduction for 2025 was published. A 76% reduction from the base value is to apply to the first £30,000, with no payment on any element of the claim over £30,000. Therefore,  if your BPS base value had been £30,000 or above, your Delinked Payment in 2025 will be the maximum of £7,200. Anything less that £30,000 and your payment will be 24% of your original base amount. There is no indication of what, if anything might be paid in 2026 or 2027.

Delinked Payment Due: 2021–2025 Payments2021202220232024 Delinked2025 Delinked
Up to £30,00095%80%65%50%24%
Over £150,00075%60%45%30%0%

The Sustainable Farming Incentive is an agri-environment scheme that may help reduce the impact left by the Delinked Payment reductions. Call Bagshaws to see how we can help.