Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market Report 2021-07-26


With harvest progressing from hay to straw the drop and go is no hardship and stock numbers have been good with 567 cattle and 1,234 sheep on offer.

There was a decent seasonal turnout of 292 Store & Breeding cattle with trade very similar to last week.

Steers sold to £1,500 to average a record £1,056 with heifers to £1,410 and their average also at a record level of £880.

Feeding Bulls managed £1,150.

In the breeding section cows and calves reached £1,450 with x bred stock bulls to £1,640.

The Bakewell Finished Cattle department put in another solid performance with 139 head selling to 283p and £1,762 per head.

The 75 heifers averaged a very satisfactory 226.2p.

OTM numbers were reasonably good with 94 on offer 204p and £1,581 to average a healthy 150.5p.

42 calves – very much in demand with bulls to £430 and heifers £280.

Turning to the sheep department there were 1,001 lambs with top figures 281p and £139.34 per head.

The SQQ average looked good at 257 pence for a mixed sample.

A few more ewes about with 228 culls in total selling to £178 to average a remarkable £110.99.


Forthcoming Market Fixtures

Thursday 29th July: Lunchtime Sheep Sale, See our Facebook page for special entries.


Bakewell Market Store Sheep Sales

Thursday 12th August – Store Sheep

Friday 27th August – Store Lambs

Friday 3rd September – Theaves & Ewes (Show & Sale)

Friday 10th September – Store Lambs

Thursday 16th September – Mule Ewe Lambs (Show & Sale)

Friday 17th September – Ewe Lambs (any other breed, Show & Sale)

Friday 24th September – Store Lambs



Saturday 31st July – Burnwood Farm, Ockbrook


94 Barren, OTM and Feeding Cows Overall Average 150.5p

(Auctioneer Oliver Hiles)

Numbers right back up on last weeks haymaker and trade remains remarkably good to average over 150p.  Meat is certainly the key to the top prices with the top 3 pure Limousin cows selling over 194p to a high of 202p for a super 5yo cow from the Wildgoose Family, Scarcliffe to gross £1575.  Best cows generally 170p plus with plenty more 150-170p.  Native bred cows look good again with Herefords to 161p, Longhorns to 157p, Angus to 165p and Welsh Black to 168p.


Sample Results:

202p/kg 780kg Lim IR & AD Wildgoose & Sons, Scarcliffe
200p/kg 744kg Lim MJ Wells & Son, Monyash
194p/kg 788kg Lim T & J Gratton, Riber
193p/kg 726kg Blonde x TJ & MR Gould, Sheen
183p/kg 636kg Sim RW & I Willison, Warsop
181p/kg 714kg Holst TW & G Fountain, Marston Montgomery
180p/kg 586kg Char BD & A Yates & Son, Middleton by Youlgreave
178p/kg 704kg Lim AC Simpson, Bradwell
177p/kg 704kg Lim C Brown & Son, Uttoxeter
176p/kg 576kg Lim PV Hawkins, Alfreton
174p/kg 630kg Char BD & A Yates & Son, Middleton by Youlgreave
171p/kg 602kg Lim CS Edge, Ballidon


And Gross Prices:

£1575.60 780kg Lim IR & AD Wildgoose & Sons, Scarcliffe
£1545.00 1030kg Sim FR Barker, Loxley Green
£1528.72 788kg Lim T & J Gratton, Riber
£1488.00 744kg Lim MJ Wells & Son, Monyash
£1401.18 726kg Blonde x TJ & MR Gould, Sheen
£1324.96 784kg Sim GS Heathcote & Son, Romily
£1311.44 776kg B Blue x RN Hoggard, Edingley
£1292.34 714kg Holst TW & G Fountain, Marston Montgomery
£1291.16 764kg Lim AC Simpson, Bradwell
£1253.12 704kg Lim AC Simpson, Bradwell


46 Black & White and ex-dairy cows Ave 138p/kg

The highest price ever for a B/W cow was today with a well-fed Holstein at 181p or £1292 for the Fountain Family, Marston Montgomery.


10 best                         153-181p

Big Holsteins               138-150p

Plainer Cows               125-135p

Only 5 cows under 110p


Best B/W’s today

181p/kg £1292 Holst, 4yrs TW & G Fountain, Marston Montgomery
165p/kg £1171 Fries, 9yrs WB & DE Gyte, Barmoor Clough
159p/kg   Fries, 4yrs S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
157p/kg £1224 Fries, 5yrs L Hadfield & Sons, Peak Forest
155p/kg £1249 Holst, 7yrs TW & G Fountain, Marston Montgomery
155p/kg £1013 Fries, 11yrs WB & DE Gyte, Barmoor Clough
154p/kg £1161 Holst, 6yrs L Hadfield & Sons, Peak Forest
154p/kg £1081 S Horn J & C Beever, Alport
153p/kg £988 Fries, 8yrs J & J Spillane, Fairfield


1 OTM Bull

170p/kg £1581 Lim MJ Wells & Son, Monyash


5 OTM Steers

204p/kg £1366 Lim, 32 mnths J Witham, Clifton
194p/kg £1431 BB, 32 mnths AE & DJW Greaves, Notts
174p/kg £1273 Fries, 46 mnths WE Smith & Son, Dale Abbey


139 FINISHED CATTLE – overall average 222.9p (Auctioneer Oliver Hiles)

Trade remains unbelievable with a bumper show today from vendors and selling to a good line up of purchasers.


27 Finished Bulls ave 215.1p/kg

20 Continental over £2 and 7 Dairy Bulls today and a remarkable trade again.  Best pure Lims to 260p for Steven & Steph Wells, One Ash with big bulls to 249p or £1762 for David Goddard, Wardlow Mires.  Dairy Shorthorn to 193p.

Sample Results:

260p/kg 578kg Lim MJ Wells & Son, Monyash
249p/kg 708kg Lim S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
148p/kg 672kg Lim JM AM MJ Bennett, Threaphurst
247p/kg 688kg Lim S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
246p/kg 664kg Sim S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
241p/kg 664kg Sim S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
235p/kg 626kg Blonde x P Watson, Ashover
228p/kg 580kg Lim J Hole & Sons, Ashover
225p/kg 600kg Blonde x P Watson, Ashover
225p/kg 564kg Blonde x P Watson, Ashover
220p/kg 592kg Lim A Merryman, Dronfield


And Gross Prices:

£1762.92 708kg Lim S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
£1699.36 688kg Lim S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
£1666.56 672kg Lim JM AM MJ Bennett, Threaphurst
£1633.44 664kg Sim S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
£1547.22 642kg Lim S & D Fearn, Wardlow Mires
£1502.80 578kg Lim MJ Wells & Son, Monyash
£1471.10 626kg Blonde x P Watson, Ashover
£1352.16 626kg Lim J & J Spillane, Fairfield
£1350.00 600kg Blonde x P Watson, Ashover
£1322.40 580kg Lim J Hole & Sons, Ashover


37 Steers – overall average 222.5p/kg

The average a little less but the cattle certainly are not, if anything dearer.  Some outstanding cattle at the top end with homebred Limousin from Michael Hadfield up to 277p, 259p and 244p.  Paul Hazledine had 248p for his best Limmy with Messrs Johnson at 244p or a tremendous £1756.  5 Hereford to 233p, 7 Angus to 235p with 3 B/W all in the averages.


Sample Results:

277p/kg 558kg Lim G & J Hadfield & Son, Alsop
259p/kg 598kg Lim G & J Hadfield & Son, Alsop
248p/kg 630kg Lim Hazledine Farms, Watnall
244p/kg 720kg Lim GW Johnson & KG Shuttlewood, Burnaston
243p/kg 564kg Lim Hazledine Farms, Watnall
240p/kg 640kg Lim J Gibbs, Hartington
238p/kg 670kg Lim FR, J & D Charlesworth, Bradbourne
236p/kg 660kg Lim FR, J & D Charlesworth, Bradbourne
236p/kg 676kg B Blue x RG Bacon, Wadshelf
235p/kg 618kg AA LR & MJ Lowe, Hulme End
233p/kg 570kg Hfd MR Walker, Alport
232p/kg 598kg Lim BD & A Yates & Son, Middleton
230p/kg 748kg Lim NS Burgin, Dronfield
230p/kg 566kg Blonde x J & D Skidmore, Chelmorten


And Gross Prices:

£1756.80 720kg Lim GW Johnson & KG Shuttlewood, Burnaston
£1720.40 748kg Lim NS Burgin, Dronfield
£1595.36 676kg B Blue x RG Bacon, Wadshelf
£1594.60 670kg Lim FR, J & D Charlesworth, Bradbourne
£1562.40 630kg Lim Hazledine Farms, Notts
£1548.82 598kg Lim G & J Hadfield & Son, Alsop
£1545.66 558kg Lim G & J Hadfield & Son, Alsop
£1536.00 640kg Lim J Gibbs, Hartington
£1522.56 624kg Lim G & J Hadfield & Son, Alsop


75 Finished Heifers – overall average 226.2p/kg

A very similar story to the steers with the best actually dearer than last week seeing the top 12 over 260p including 4 over 270p.  Plenty of Native and a big number of non-assured in today certainly pulled the averages.  Very best sold to 283p for a wonderful black blue from the Wells family, Monyash selling to RW Walmsley, quality butchers at York.  Michael Wynne had 56 best selling to 278p, 266p, 260p and 258p with Piedmontese also to 278p, 269p, 262p etc.  Also in the 270 club was Messrs Bennett, Threaphurst with a Blue x Lim.  15 Native had Angus to 224p and 3 dairy non breeders in today’s averages and 3 OTM clean heifers to 218p.


Sample Results:

283p/kg 532kg B Blue x MJ Wells & Son, Monyash
278p/kg 564kg Lim M Wynne, Snitterton
278p/kg 620kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
270p/kg 536kg B Blue x JM AM MJ Bennett, Threaphurst
269p/kg 582kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
266p/kg 598kg B Blue x M Wynne, Snitterton
266p/kg 610kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
262p/kg 586kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
262p/kg 570kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
261p/kg 608kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
261p/kg 588kg Lim GW Johnson & KG Shuttlewood, Burnaston
260p/kg 598kg Lim M Wynne, Snitterton
258p/kg 544kg Lim M Wynne, Snitterton
256p/kg 582kg Lim M Wynne, Snitterton
250p/kg 646kg Lim Hazledine Farms, Watnall
250p/kg 638kg Lim Hazledine Farms, Watnall
250p/kg 638kg Lim J Gibbs, Hartington


And Gross Prices:

£1723.60 620kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
£1622.60 610kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
£1615.00 646kg Lim Hazledine Farms, Watnall
£1595.00 638kg Lim J Gibbs, Hartington
£1590.68 598kg B Blue x M Wynne, Snitterton
£1586.88 608kg Pied K Harrop, Alport
£1567.92 564kg Lim M Wynne, Snitterton
£1565.58 582kg Cont K Harrop, Alport
£1554.80 598kg Lim M Wynne, Snitterton
£1535.32 586kg Pied K Harrop, Alport


STORE & BREEDING CATTLE – (Auctioneer Alastair Sneddon)

A useful entry of 292 head selling on a very fast trade with all types in great demand.

A few gaps around the ring with some individuals on harvest duty, but no slackening of trade and some wonderful prices achieved.

The sale commenced with some 33 Breeding stock which included:


£1500 Pure Lim Stock Bull, 12 mnths IC Hulme, Buxton
£1440 Hfd Cow, 94 mnths & Hfr Calf A Hunter, Hognaston
£1640 Lim x Blue Stock Bull, 18 mnths Miss J Bonsall, Atlow
£1340 B Blue x Hfr, 22 mnths & Hfr Calf DJ Webster, Worrall
£1060 Angus x, 80 mnths Feeding Cow MJ Wain, Brassington


Then followed 16 Feeding Bulls including:


£1100 Lim x 13 mnths J Pudsey, Quarnford
£900 Stab 16 mnths S & LJ Dyson, Hollowmeadows
£930 Lim x 14 mnths R Morley, Doncaster
£800 Lim x 11 mnths R Morley, Doncaster
£860 Lim x 12 mnths JA Mosley, Stannington
£880 Char x 15 mnths SC Proctor, Longnor
£850 Sim x 15 mnths James Marsden, Hathersage
£1150 Pied x 11 mnths E & C Matkin, Idridgehay


138 Steers ave £1056

A decent show with a good many stronger sorts which explains the outstanding average at £1056.

All types well bid for with Hereford and Angus crosses selling well and some real highlights for the black & whites

Sample Results:

£660 B Blue x 8-9 mnths Mrs ME Collins, West Hallam
£1005 Char x 13-14 mnths D Byard, Wingerworth
£860 Blonde x 9-13 mnths D Byard, Wingerworth
£1285 Lim x 14 mnths G & M Limer, Taddington
£800 Lim x 10-13 mnths C & M Wainwright, Denstone
£1010 B Blue x 17-19 mnths J Pudsey, Quarnford
£1280 Lim x 14 mnths M Gregory, Peak Forest
£1150 B Blue x 13 mnths M Gregory, Peak Forest
£1500 B Blue x 15 mnths JW & RG Ede, Youlgreave
£1310 Lim x 16 mnths JW & RG Ede, Youlgreave
£1170 Lim x 21 mnths Red Lion Inn, Dayhills
£915 Lim x 11 mnths D & a Dickinson, Bradbourne
£1090 Hfd 18-21 mnths J Simpson, Stoney Middleton
£1105 Lim 20-23 mnths DL Goddard Mellor
£1100 Hfd x 22-23 mnths S Tudor, Kingsley
£1000 B Blue x 18 mnths J & JW Stafford, Hulland
£1180 Lim x 26 mnths MJ Wain, Brassington
£975 Hfd x 10 mnths AJ & GH Bland, Mottram
£980 Lim x 10 mnths PJ Chappell, Alton
£890 Lim x 7-9 mnths PJ Chappell, Alton
£1270 B Blue x 17 mnths H Young, Peak Forest
£1330 B Blue x 16-18 mnths H Young, Peak Forest
£1150 Lim x 20-24 mnths R & D Bennett, Whiston
£1180 B Blue x 26 mnths DJ Boulton, The Blythe
£1220 Blonde x 24 mnths A Turner, Annesley
£1090 Fries/Fleck 24-25 mnths A Turner, Annesley
£1410 B Blue x 26 mnths MT Sweetmore, Earl Sterndale
£1095 Holst Fries 23-24 mnths Hall Prtnrs, Litton
£1065 Fries 23-24 mnths Hall Prtnrs, Litton
£1480 B Blue x 21-26 mnths P Wood, Wirksworth
£1380 B Blue x 16-23 mnths P Wood, Wirksworth
£1335 Angus x 19 mnths P Wood, Wirksworth
£1100 Hfd x 28 mnths R & GR Webster, Fenny Bentley
£930 Lim x 8-9 mnths S Young, Radbourne


105 Heifers ave £880

Plenty of demand for all sorts and sizes with level bunches selling particularly well.

Typical Prices:


£490 Blonde x 4-5 mnths CH Ede & Son
£550 Lim x 9 mnths Mrs ME Collins, West Hallam
£1045 Lim x 13 mnths CK Mills, Baslow
£850 Blonde x 9-13 mnths D Byard, Wingerworth
£815 Lim x 10-15 mnths C & M Wainwright, Denstone
£1410 Lim x 22 mnths JW & RG Ede, Youlgreave
£1020 Saler x 18-24 mnths D & A Dickinson, Bradbourne
£1060 Lim x 23-24 mnths D & A Dickinson, Bradbourne
£800 Blonde x 14-16 mnths CJ Nash, Dayhills
£940 Angus x 23-27 mnths S Tudor, Kingsley
£810 B Blue x 17-18 mnths J & JW Stafford, Hulland
£650 B Blue x 8 mnths JD & GR Follows, Dalbury Lees
£1130 Mont x 25 mnths N & S Pearson, Peak Forest
£1170 Char x 16-24 mnths EE & CJ Woodward, Coxbench
£855 Lim x 9-10 mnths PJ Chappell, Alton
£1250 B Blue x 18-19 mnths H Young, Peak Forest
£1160 Sim x 24 mnths R & D Bennett, Whiston
£1105 Lim x 22-25 mnths DJ Boulton & Son, The Blythe
£1275 Lim x 19 mnths DJ Boulton & Son, The Blythe
£1105 Angus x 25 mnths MT Wainwright, Poynton
£1120 B Blue x 25 mnths MT Wainwright, Poynton
£1070 B Blue x 24 mnths A Turner, Annesley
£1125 Sim x 22-24 mnths P & J Percival, Waterhouses
£1000 Hfd x 22 mnths R & GR Webster, Fenny Bentley
£795 Char x 10 mnths C Morley, Doncaster
£1170 B Blue x 27 mnths Mrs EJ Mottram, Gratwich
£800 Saler x 12 mnths AT Hames, Melbourne


CALVES (Auctioneer Ivor Lowe)

Another excellent calf trade for all types with B Blue bulls to £430 and heifers to £280.

Better continental bulls regularly £300 plus with Black and White’s looking well sold with the best of these to £238.


Bulls Top Price (£) Ave Vendor
Hfd £290.00 £238.33 AP Critchlow, Wheston
Holst £110.00 £42.14 JF Hayes, Shottle
Mont £165.00   J & J Walton & Sons, Castleton
Fries £238.00 £125.75 J & J Walton & Sons, Castleton
AA £350.00 £200.67 WB & DE Gyte, Barmoor Clough
Baz £385.00   Moor Farmers, Flagg
B Blue x £430.00 £346.86 WJ & DM Madin, Holymoorside
Fleck £35.00   E & MJ Bradbury & Sons, Pike Hall
Hfd £150.00   AP Critchlow, Wheston
Saler £170.00   JF Hayes, Shottle
Fries £68.00   J Shirt & Sons, Tideswell
AA £165.00 £84.40 WB & DE Gyte, Barmoor Clough
B Blue x £280.00 £240.00 GPK Trickett, Rowsley
Lim £140.00   T Farrington & Sons, Abbots Bromley


1234 Sheep including 1006 Lambs & 228 Ewes & Rams

(Auctioneer Peter Oven)

A total entry of 1234 sheep included 1006 lambs.  Demand very brisk especially for meated heavyweight butchers lambs

Leading Prices: –

37.7kg 266p/kg E Elliott, Ashbourne
38kg 268p/kg N & S Pearson, Peak Forest
41kg 279p/kg J Kirkman, Belper
41.7kg 274p/kg MP Elliott & Son, Eyam
42.3kg 273p/kg MP Elliott & Son, Eyam
43kg 275p/kg SM Russell & Son, Cowdale
43.4kg 276p/kg R Simpson & Son, Longnor
44.5kg 281p/kg J Gould & Son, Chelmorten
45kg 271p/kg J Trueman & Partner, Cheshire
46.3kg 276p/kg SM Russell & Son, Cowdale
47.7kg 262p/kg CW Taberner, Tean
50.6kg 275p/kg JB Drabble, Tideswell



Standard To: 268p/kg Ave: 250.56p/kg
Medium To: 281p/kg Ave: 259p/kg
Heavy To: 276p/kg Ave: 258.16p/kg


228 Cull Sheep

A small entry of 228 ewes & rams saw demand even better for the recent high levels with 6 lots over £150.  Best Mules sold £90-£115/head with heavy horned ewes up to £97/head.


Cast Ewes       To: £178          Ave: £110.89

Cast Rams       To: £138          Ave: £119.67





Alastair Sneddon

Senior partner

Livestock, auctioneering and professional services

Oliver Hiles

Market Associate

Ivor Lowe


Property and professional services

Peter Oven

Market Associate