Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market Report 2022-06-13


Monday 13th June 2022


Despite the good silaging conditions Bakewell managed to attract a strong entry of stock in all departments with a total of 665 cattle and 1,281 sheep on offer and a strong trade for all.

A total of 421 store cattle comprised 349 stores and 72 head of breeding cattle with buyers out in force with top priced cow and calf outfits at £1,940, with steers to £1,590 and heifers to £1,435.

Finished cattle numbers similar to last week with trade just as strong with heifers to 306p/kg and steers to 270p/kg.

A reduced entry of 74 OTM’s, possibly a result of the good silaging conditions but those forward rewarded with an excellent trade with a top call of 264p/kg and an overall average of 189p/kg.

Lamb numbers continue to increase with 679 on offer with trade a little back on last week in line with the National trend returning an average of 312.35p/kg with a top price of 352p, whilst cull sheep continue to sell at excellent rates to a top of £165.

An increased entry of calves did not detract from the trade with bulls to £445 and heifers to £425.



Thursday 16th June:  Thursday Lunchtime Sheep Sale



Friday 17th June: Whiteacre Hall, Coleshill



74 Barren, OTM and Feeding Cows Overall Average 190.1p or £1281

(Auctioneer Oliver Hiles)

Another Record Average

Trade steps on to another level this week and a new market record average of 190p is testament to this.  21 cows today over £2 and a high of 264p for a 1 calf (29 mnths) Limousin from Steven Mills, Redmires with his other blue of the same description at 242p or £2037.  Big cows regularly £1600+.


Sample Results:

264p/kg 658kg Lim, 29 mnths BA & SW Mills, Redmires
242p/kg 842kg B Blue x, 29 mnths BA & SW Mills, Redmires
226p/kg 642kg Sim, 27 mnths DC Wright, Parwich
224p/kg 788kg Lim, 4 ½ yrs BD & JH Ponsonby, Tideswell Moor
223p/kg 604kg Baz, 33 mnths C & FM Percival, Youlgreave
218p/kg 732kg Hfd, 4 yrs HH Mellor & Son, Longnor
218p/kg 644kg Lim, 5 yrs J Bonsall, Atlow
216p/kg 476kg Lim, 26 mnths A Hayes, Cromford
214p/kg 708kg Lim, 10 yrs M Heathcote, Hartington
210p/kg 466kg Lim, 30 mnths MF Wayne, Matlock
209p/kg 720kg Char, 9 yrs A Hall, Higher Chisworth
207p/kg 732kg Hfd, 4 yrs HH Mellor & Son, Longnor
207p/kg 730kg Char, 7 yrs L Marshall & J Boam, Monyash


And Gross Prices:

£2037.64 842kg B Blue x BA & SW Mills, Redmires
£1891.20 960kg Char JE & CD Blissett, Windley
£1890.72 936kg W Blk DH Housley, Elton
£1877.92 968kg Char JE & CD Blissett, Windley
£1765.12 788kg Lim BD & JH Ponsonby, Tideswell Moor
£1737.12 658kg Lim BA & SW Mills, Redmires
£1705.68 828kg AA G Banks, Derby
£1619.86 814kg B Blue x TJ & SE Ibbottson, Hathersage
£1616.00 808kg Fries CV Matkin, Kirk Ireton
£1595.76 732kg Hfd HH Mellor & Son, Longnor


27 Black & White and ex Dairy Cows ave 174.1p/kg

All look well sold, but the plainer they are the dearer they look.


1 very smart cow at 200p

Meated Holsteins 185-196p

Leaner Parlour Holsteins 170-180p

Plain Cows 155-165p


The top 6

200p/kg £1616 Fries, 5yrs GV Matkin, Kirk Ireton
196p/kg £1430 Fries, 7yrs GV Matkin, Kirk Ireton
189p/kg £1118 Fries, 7yrs C Beever, Alport
185p/kg £1239 Fries, 5yrs GW & WL Neville, Tansley
184p/kg £1126 Holst, 3yrs GW & WL Neville, Tansley
180p/kg £1198 Holst, 8yrs D & PW Kirkman, Alderwasley


3 OTM Bulls

220p/kg £1900 Lim, 33 mnths W Bradbury, Earl Sterndale
194p/kg £1761 BB, 5 yrs EA Sessions & Sons, Dalbury Lees


3 OTM Steers

189p/kg £1436 Holst, 41 mnths WE Smith & Son, Dale Abbey


 107 FINISHED CATTLE – overall average 237.4p

(Auctioneer Oliver Hiles)

Very good to sell again

We could have handled a lot more on the day with 39 bulls and 68 clean cattle.  Trade flying from start to finish.


39 Finished Bulls ave 226.6p

Bull numbers good with 23 Continental, 5 Native & 11 B/W’s today with a good price for all.  Mark Shenton topped the day at 271p for his handy weighted Blonde.


Sample Results:

271p/kg 540kg Blonde x CW Shenton, Handforth
264p/kg 698kg Lim D & SE Edge, Pike Hall
264p/kg 748kg Lim D & SE Edge, Pike Hall
261p/kg 702kg Lim D & SE Edge, Pike Hall
260p/kg 684kg Lim J Bonsall, Atlow
259p/kg 604kg Blonde x CW Shenton, Handforth
256p/kg 742kg Lim JT Ottewell, Calow
256p/kg 566kg Lim P Watson, Ashover
255p/kg 534kg Blonde x CW Shenton, Handforth
249p/kg 630kg Lim J Bonsall, Atlow
245p/kg 724kg B Blue x BD & JH Ponsonby, Tideswell Moor


And Gross Prices:

£1974.72 748kg Lim D & SE Edge, Pike Hall
£1899.52 742kg Lim JT Ottewell, Calow
£1842.72 698kg Lim D & SE Edge, Pike Hall
£1832.22 702kg Lim D & SE Edge, Pike Hall
£1778.40 684kg Lim J Bonsall, Atlow
£1773.80 724kg B Blue x BD & JH Ponsonby, Tideswell Moor
£1746.80 794kg Linc Red DC Wright, Parwich
£1661.24 698kg W Blk JT Ottewell, Calow
£1568.70 630kg Lim J Bonsall, Atlow
£1564.36 604kg Blonde x CW Shenton, Handforth


24 Steers – overall average 230.1p

Only 10 Continental, 9 Native and 5 B/W today, but good for all.  Keith Hodgson topped the steers today with a little Limmy at 270p and other suckler bred sorts at 268 and 260p.  Angus to 248p and Hereford to 245p with B/W to an astonishing 238p.


Sample Results:

270p/kg 466kg Lim P & B Hodgson, Boston
268p/kg 664kg Lim A & K Farming, Rushton Spencer
260p/kg 760kg B Blue x K Harrop, Alport
248p/kg 678kg AA B Sayles, Park Head
245p/kg 604kg Hfd Misk Farm, Kirkby in Ashfield
244p/kg 554kg Hfd Misk Farm, Kirkby in Ashfield
238p/kg 636kg Hfd F Hitchcock & Sons, Ockbroook
238p/kg 648kg Mont RG Bacon, Wadshelf
238p/kg 650kg Lim A & K Farming, Rushton Spencer


And Gross Prices:

£1976.00 760kg B Blue x K Harrop, Alport
£1779.52 664kg Lim A & K Farming, Rushton Spencer
£1729.28 772kg Sim RS & EJ Longden, Chinley
£1681.44 678kg AA B Sayles, Park Head
£1617.00 700kg Lim RS & EJ Longden, Chinley
£1547.00 650kg Lim A & K Farming, Rushton Spencer
£1542.24 648kg Mont RG Bacon, Wadshelf
£1513.68 636kg Hfd F Hitchcock & Sons, Ockbrook
£1491.20 640kg B Blue x P & J Deaville, Holbrook


44 Heifers – overall average 251.9p/kg

Look at the average that includes 9 Natives and 3 OTM clean heifers.  4 over £3 today from 4 different vendors.  Both Phil Watson and Keith Hodgson shared the top honours at 306p/kg for shapey sorts.  Angus to 258p and Hereford to 228p.


Sample Results:

306p/kg 518kg Blonde x P Watson, Ashover
306p/kg 628kg Lim P & B Hodgson, Boston
302p/kg 540kg Lim JM & B Mann, Bakewell
300p/kg 586kg B Blue x AG Tomkinson, Thorpe
296p/kg 536kg Char P & J Deaville, Holbrook
294p/kg 496kg Lim P Watson, Ashover
288p/kg 510kg Lim AG Tomkinson, Thorpe
274p/kg 588kg B Blue x K Harrop, Alport
274p/kg 662kg Lim C & D Jeffery, PIlsley
274p/kg 616kg Lim C & D Jeffery, PIlsley


Gross Prices:

£1921.68 628kg Lim P & B Hodgson, Boston
£1890.00 756kg AA B Sayles, Park Head
£1828.76 698kg Lim C & D Jeffery, Pilsley
£1813.88 662kg Lim C & D Jeffery, Pilsley
£1792.80 664kg B Blue x K Harrop, Alport
£1758.00 586kg B Blue x AG Tomkinson, Thorpe
£1719.04 632kg Lim K Harrop, Alport
£1713.48 786kg Sim RG Bacon, Wadshelf
£1700.16 644kg Lim K Harrop, Alport


STORE & BREEDING CATTLE – (Auctioneer Mark Elliott)

A very big June entry of over 400 cattle with a number of Breeding Cattle today that were well received by a number of potential purchasers.


72 Breeding Cattle:

£2160 Ped AA Cow, 4 yrs & Hfr Calf, 2 mnths JS & M Hollinrake, Flagg
£2080 Ped AA Cow, 5 yrs & Hfr Calf, 2 mnths JS & M Hollinrake, Flagg
£1410 Sim Cow, 9 yrs & Str Calf, 20 days LH Powell & Son, Hundall
£1720 AA Hfr, 26 mnths & Lim Hfr Calf, 26 days SR Hinchley, Ashover
£1700 AA Hfr, 31 mnths & Lim Str Calf, 25 days SR Hinchley, Ashover
£1590 Hfd Cow, 7yrs & Lim Str Calf, 22 days R Smart, Wirksworth
£1480 Lim Cow, 8 yrs & Hfr Calf, 8 mnths IC & RA Ward, Buxton
£1760 Lim Cow, 4 yrs & Hfr Calf, 30 days J & M Riley, Parsley Hay


39 Feeding Bulls

£875 Lim 17 mnths JW Walker
£1180 Blonde 10 mnths TJ & MR Gould, Sheen
£935 Lim 12 mnths AJ Norbury, Yoxall
£960 Char 11 mnths JE & CD Blissett, Windley


142 Steers ave £969

£795 AA 12 mnths AS Melland, Flagg
£875 Hfd 14mnths A Bennison, Compstall
£1295 Blonde 11 mnths TJ & MR Gould, Sheen
£975 Char 13 mnths A Kirk, Underwood
£1050 Lim 19 mnths JW & JR Davies, Hope
£1165 B Blue x 21 mnths JW & JR Davies, Hope
£980 Char 8-10 mnths A Mosley & Son, Brassington
£1245 Lim 13 mnths SW Rawson, Alderwasley
£1040 Sim x3 9-12 mnths JL, NT & ML Walker, Bonsall
£1130 B Blue 17 mnths RA Tatlow, Ashbourne
£980 AA 16 mnths VH Mellor, Chelmorten
£1490 Char 24 mnths JW & RG Ede, Youlgreave
£1090 AA 21 mnths Wager & Son, Hartington
£1230 B Blue 17-21 mnths D & L Wain, Ilam
£1270 Hfd 24 mnths P Witham, Marston
£1270 AA x 5 23-26 mnths Furness Partners, Wheston
£1495 Lim x2 21-14 mnths MJ & RD Bradbury, Biggin
£1405 B Blue 25 mnths K & M Ede & Son, Checkley
£1590 B Blue 25 mnths W & M Whitbread, Biggin by Hulland
£1295 B Blue 27 mnths A Povey & Sons, Doveridge
£1225 B Blue 18 mnths GM Brown & Son, Holymoorside


170 Heifers ave £929

£880 B Blue 12 mnths NJ Kirk, Brinsley
£1075 B Blue 12mnths J & SA Dakin, Chapel
£965 Sim 11 mnths PW & JA Mansfield, Hyde
£925 Char 12 mnths LS & L Watson, Bradley
£1300 Char 15 mnths AC Atkin, Brinsley
£885 Char x6 9-11 mnths A Mosley & Son, Brassington
£840 AA x 5 13-14 mnths JR & DJ Hollingworth, Ockbrook
£825 Char x6 9-13 mnths L Marshall, Monyash
£930 AA x4 15-17 mnths RS & A Lomas, Calow
£1005 Sim x4 13 mnths JL, NT & ML Walker, Bonsall
£1240 Sim x2 22-25 mnths JL, NT & ML Walker, Bonsall
£1360 B Blue x2 24 mnths JL, NT & ML Walker, Bonsall
£960 B Blue x5 19-23 mnths R Fletcher, Windley
£1350 Sim 22 mnths JW & RG Ede, Youlgreave
£1330 AA x4 21-22 mnths K May, Bamford
£1430 B Blue x3 25-26 mnths W & M Whitbread, Biggin by Hulland
£1170 B Blue x2 20 mnths C Bowler, Ashleyhay
£1260 Lim 23 mnths R Bock & Sons, Jacksdale
£1185 AA x2 17-20 mnths J Wright, Belper
£1250 Lim 28 mnths J Bonsall, Atlow


63 CALVES (Auctioneer Ivor Lowe)

An increase in numbers did nothing to detract from the trade with buyers out in force for all types.

Bulls to £445 and heifers to £425 with best calves commanding a significant premium.

A few more B/W dairy bred calves about this week with those forward rewarded with an excellent trade with the best to £195 per head.



B Blue                 £420                    BD Hudson, Ipstones

Saler                    £245                    TN Palfreyman & Son, Flagg

Angus                 £238                    T Farrington & Sons, Abbots Bromley

Hfd                       £230                    T Farrington & Sons, Abbots Bromley


Lim                      £425                    R Greenwood, Barton Under Needwood

Lim                      £415                    Frith Bros, Thorpe

B Blue                 £290                    BD Hudson, Ipstones

Hfd                       £215                    T Farrington & Sons, Abbots Bromley


679 Lambs, 406 Ewes & Rams & 4 Store Sheep (Auctioneer Peter Oven)

A total entry of 1089 sheep on offer included an excellent entry of 628 new season lambs.  Despite trade dipping at the end of last week buyers were still out wanting the Bakewell quality butchers lambs with Phillip Brough topping at 352p/kg and a top gross for the heavy weight sorts being £176/head.  Best butchers lambs in general between 330-340p/kg.  The overall market average 312.35p/kg.


Leading Prices: –

36.2kg 324p/kg M Dunnington, Boston
37.5kg 332p/kg T Hall, Radbourne
38kg 330p/kg R Greenwood, Barton Gate
38.2kg 329p/kg R Simpson & Son, Longnor
39kg 327p/kg D & J Nightingale, Kelstedge
39.2kg 340p/kg R Brough & Son, Monyash
40.7kg 338p/kg M Dunnington, Boston
41.3kg 334p/kg IR & AD Wildgoose & Sons, Scarcliffe
41.4kg 342p/kg BR & SB Archer, Sutton
42kg 338p/kg GD Wheeldon, Chelmorten
44kg 352p/kg R Brough & Son, Monyash
45.3kg 331p/kg T Hall, Radbourne
46kg 328p/kg GD Wheeldon, Chelmorten



Standard To 332p/kg Average 307.71p/kg
Medium To 352p/kg Average 314.64p/kg
Heavy To 328p/kg Average 301.15p/kg
Overweight To 292p/kg Average 274.22p/kg


Old Season Lambs

An excellent show of 192 Old Season Lambs still very much in demand regardless of weight with a top of 280p/kg and a top gross of £162/head.  Overall average 246.83p/kg.


Leading Prices:-

35kg 279p/kg R Walvin, Notts
40kg 260p/kg J Price, Kettleshulme
42.3kg 264p/kg R Swift & Sons, Little Onn
42.8kg 276p/kg R Swift & Sons, Little Onn
43.3kg 272p/kg RN Brown, Bradwell
44kg 258p/kg J & SA Dakin, Rushup Edge
47kg 276p/kg G & J Hadfield & Son, Alsop
48kg 280p/kg R Walvin, Notts
50kg 260p/kg AF Ball, Marston
54kg 263p/kg R Simpson & Sons, Longnor
56.2kg 265p/kg P Oven, Ashbourne
62kg 262p/kg R Swift & Sons, Little Onn
64.5kg 240p/kg R & S Salisbury, Abney
70kg 222p/kg J Morley, Sheffield


406 Cull Sheep

406 cull ewes and rams attracted brisk bidding for all types with best Texels to £165.  Suffolk x sold in the £130-£148 range with heavy Mules in the £120-£135 range, Southdown ewes to £120 and meated horned ewes in the £70-£820 range.  Cull rams attracted more interest this week with a young Southdown peaking at £162 and Texels to £152.


Cull Ewes to £165      Ave £111.55

Cull Rams to £162      Ave £132.00



Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Oliver Hiles

Market Associate

Ivor Lowe


Property and professional services

Peter Oven

Market Associate