Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market
Bakewell Market Report for Monday 13th July 2020-07-13

A better weekend weather wise and with it a better time to sort sheep and consequently more on offer at Bakewell with 1691 Sheep in total and 469 Cattle.
The sheep price is remaining firm for the time of year with the 1145 Spring Lambs averaging 213.8p/kg and 531 Ewes & Rams to £138 and averaging £91.46
Cull Cows continue to be in strong demand selling to 166p/kg or £1626 with demand from wholesalers and further feeders alike.
The finished cattle section was also busier than the same week last year with 87on offer and selling to 234p/kg to record an overall average of 187.25p/kg
Obviously, the busiest cattle section was the stores with 273 head on offer and in Alastair’s absence Mark was on hand to sell with strong steers to £1285, heifer to £1140 and bulls to £930 with some of the smaller cattle looking particularly dear
• Thursday 16th July – lunchtime sheep sale at 12 noon, together with ewes with lambs at foot & Store Ewe Hoggs sold through the ring at 1pm. All entries and enquires to Peter Oven.
• Thursday 16th July – Monthly Breeding Cattle Sale at 10.30am. Already entered – Genuine Reduction Sale 18 Lim & Her cows with 19 Calves at foot and Ped Lim Stock Bull. Enquiries to Oliver Hiles on 07801 530899.

Alastair Sneddon
Senior partner
Livestock, auctioneering and professional services

Oliver Hiles
Market Associate

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Ivor Lowe
Property and professional services

Peter Oven
Market Associate