Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market Report for Monday 20th July 2020-08-03

Rather more than one man went to mow over the weekend but sufficient stock was selected for market to ensure good seasonal entries of 499 Cattle and 1765 Sheep.

Sheep numbers were up with the lamb trade very strong indeed, Top prices 270p/kilo and £124.44 per head. The SQQ lamb price looking very healthy at 230.5p/kilo up 16p on the week.

Cull ewes were out in force with a total of 776 on offer. Nothing wrong with the trade either with ewes to £136 and an average of £76.88 for a very mixed sample.

In the cattle department there was a useful seasonal show of 279 Store Cattle with yet another outstanding trade.
Steers reached £1330, Heifers £1170 and Feeding Bulls £895.

If you only have half a mind to sell some Store Cattle, give us a call, we are more than happy to call and see them on farm.
84 Finished Cattle this week with a solid trade throughout, best of the day 237p/kilo and £1458 per head.

The general level of the trade is readily demonstrated by the steer average at 198.1p/kilo and the heifers 193.5p/kilo.
A useful turnout of 76 OTM Cattle with plenty of demand, top figures 169p/kilo and £1347 PER HEAD. The overall average looking good at 130p/kilo.

Calf numbers well up at 60 head with Bulls to £445 and Heifers to £390. The prices speak for themselves.

• Thursday 23rd July – lunchtime sheep sale at 12 noon. Finished Sheep, Cull Ewes & Rams and Store Sheep. All entries and enquires to Peter Oven.
Thursday 13th July – Store lamb Sale, Entries Close Friday 31st July
• Thursday 20th August – Monthly Breeding Cattle Sale at 10.30am.
Enquiries to Alastair Sneddon on 07973 982441 or Oliver Hiles on 07801 530899.


Alastair Sneddon

Senior partner

Livestock, auctioneering and professional services

Oliver Hiles

Market Associate

Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Ivor Lowe


Property and professional services

Peter Oven

Market Associate