Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market Report for Monday 7th October 2019 2019-10-07

Wet and relatively cold conditions brought Cattle into market in good numbers, but Sheep were down as a consequence of 6 day restrictions following purchase of Breeding Sheep and Rams. The result 739 Cattle but only 1,395 Sheep.

The Store & Breeding Cattle section was again well supported with a total of 404 head. Plenty of interest and several new buyers operating resulted in a strong trade. Steers peaked at £1,150, Heifers £1,260 and Feeding Bulls £800, Cows and Calves reached £1,030.

In the Finished section there were 132 Cattle on offer peaking at 230p and £1,537.

OTM and Feeding Cows were out in force and a very mixed sample topped at 162p and £1,171. The average back a bit possibly due to quality rather than demand at 103.4p.

Only 58 Calves this week and not the best of samples. Top figures Bulls £260 and Heifers £185.

In the Sheep department Lamb numbers were well down, but trade was well up.

The 857 Finished Lambs reached top figures of 238p and £103.58 with the SQQ average a respectable 169.6p.

504 Cull Sheep forward trade sharper, Ewes to £130 to average £67.90.