Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market Store Sheep 2023-11-24

A catalogued entry of over 2,000 sheep forward for the penultimate sale of the season.  Shapely longer-term sorts still well bid for as were the bigger framed types.

The Statistics;

Texel x ave £80.81

£100.00          RS Torr

£98.00            D & SE Edge

£98.00            J Twyford

£94.50            C & H Renshaw

£91.00            Dunscar Farm


£89.50             JM Hallam


£90.00             S Cooper

Suff x ave £72.86

£88.00            JT Cantrell

Mule ave £77.84

£79.00            JT Cantrell

Char ave £78.56

£80.00            E Watson

£80.00            Mosley & Kirkwood




In the Breeding sheep still demand for ewe lambs as well as the ewes.

Best Texel ewe lambs to £107            J Mosley

Suffolk ewe lambs to £97                   D & Z Partners

Suffolk shearling ewes to £136

Texel ewes to £99

Mule ewes to £108

Breeding ewes saw Suffolk x to £100 and Mules to £100 and £108.

A total of 10 stock rams saw Texels to £200 x3

Next Sale

Friday 8th December: Final Round up of Store Sheep 2023


Peter Oven

Market Associate