Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market – Theaves & Ewes 2024-09-06

Theaves and Ewes Sale

Friday 6th September 2024


The entry of 2,961 drew an excellent gathering of purchasers from both far and near and a strong trade for all types and breeds with a very near total clearance.  Theaves averaged £220 per head and older ewes averaged £195.

The average was also up £35 on 2023!


Texels topped at £262, Mules at £255 and Suffolks to £238 with 2 ewes kindly donated by Duncan Ede of Cubley Cottage Farm Ltd with the proceeds going to Tree Tops Hospice grossing a total of £580, this amount is also being matched by Bagshaws.


The sale was as usual preceded by the usual show, kindly judged by Simon Frost of Youlgreave.


Prizes awarded as follows:


Mules      1St    SA Flower

2nd   TJ & MR Gould

3rd    SA Flower


Texel       1st       D Ede

2nd     D Ede

3rd  S Hambleton


Highlights as follows:


Texel X to £290, average £227.36

£290.00 Cubley Cottage Farm Ltd, Cubley
£262.00 Cubley Cottage Farm Ltd, Cubley
£262.00 Cubley Cottage Farm Ltd, Cubley
£262.00 Cubley Cottage Farm Ltd, Cubley
£260.00 Cubley Cottage Farm Ltd, Cubley
£260.00 Cubley Cottage Farm Ltd, Cubley
£260.00 Cubley Cottage Farm Ltd, Cubley
£260.00 G & M Limer, Taddington


Mules to £255, average £215.10              

£255.00 SA Flower, Pike Hall
£252.00 TJ & MR Gould, Sheen
£250.00 SA Flower, Pike Hall
£250.00 J Ball, Cheddleton
£248.00 A Cooper, Elton
£248.00 SF & AJ Deeming, Broadwell
£248.00 TJ & MR Gould, Sheen


Suffolk X to £238, average £223.39

£238.00 DN & JE Renwick, Middleton by Youlgreave
£232.00 I Currington, Buxton
£225.00 I Currington, Buxton
£202.00 GA & SM Wainwright & Sons, Bamford


Cheviots to £230, average £230.00

£230.00 GA & SM Wainwright & Sons, Bamford


Mashams to £175, average £175.00

£175.00 GA & SM Wainwright & Sons, Bamford


Lleyn to £202, average £198.00

£202.00 S Walker, Syaston
£200 S Walker, Syaston




Mules to £185.00 ave £172.88

£185.00 SF & AJ Deeming, Broadwell
£180.00 SF & AJ Deeming, Broadwell
£180.00 SF & AJ Deeming, Broadwell
£178.00 SF & AJ Deeming, Broadwell
£178.00 SF & AJ Deeming, Broadwell
£175.00 SF & AJ Deeming, Broadwell


Texel x to £195.00 ave £140.03

£195.00 RE & D & D Priestley, Castleton
£172.00 RE & D & D Priestley, Castleton
£148.00 R Brown & Sons, Stafford



Our next sale of Breeding Ewes will be on FRIDAY 4TH OCTOBER, for which entries are currently being invited.


Ivor Lowe


Property and professional services

Peter Oven

Market Associate