Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market Thursday Lunchtime Sheep Sale 2023-10-12

899 SHEEP INCLUDING 580 Finished Lambs, 267 cull sheep & 52 Store Sheep


580 Lambs ave 252.52p/kg

Lamb trade in general a little sharper than last week especially for those with plenty of finish, with top prices of 287p/kg and £149 per head.


Leading Prices:

38.8kg 287p/kg T & JM White, High Bradfield
38.3kg 268p/kg Allen & Storer, Taddington
43.1kg 282p/kg AP Leason, Ilam
44.0kg 280p/kg B Ford, Lymehandley
39.3kg 277p/kg CC Etches, Tissington
47.5kg 275p/kg AP Leason, Ilam
57.6kg 259p/kg Allen & Storer, Taddington



32.1 – 39.0kg To: 287p/kg Ave: 256.71p/kg
39.1 – 45.5kg To: 282p/kg Ave: 251.59p/kg
45.6 – 52.0kg To: 275p/kg Ave: 250.93p/kg
52kg+ To: 238p/kg Ave: 249.61p/kg


267 Cull Sheep ave £76 per head

Trade very similar to last week with best continental ewes to £160.


52 Store Sheep

Plenty of interest in the store lambs to £81 per head and correct Suffolk ewes to £126.



Keep checking our Facebook page for further details on Special Entries!


Peter Oven

Market Associate

Ivor Lowe


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