Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market Thursday Lunchtime Sheep Sale 2021-06-10


571 Sheep including 340 Finished Lambs, 19 Hoggs, 176 Cull Sheep & 24 Store Sheep


340 Spring Lambs ave 312.12p/kg

A slightly easier lamb trade in line with the national trend but nevertheless competitive with 6 individual purchasers operating.

All weights sold at similar rates with a top price of 342p/kg and an overall average of £125 per head.


Leading Prices:

37.5kg 339p/kg RG & GC Moss, Abbots Bromley
37.1kg 334p/kg G Ford, Tunstead Milton
37kg 330p/kg RO Metcalfe, Edale
38.7kg 328p/kg M Standerwick, Tamworth
41.6kg 342p/kg G Ford, Tunstead Milton
43.6kg 336p/kg Hazelwood Hall Farm, Hazelwood
43.0kg 331p/kg C Taberner, Tean



32.1 – 39.0kg To: 339p/kg Ave: 311.79p/kg
39.1 – 45.5kg To: 342p/kg Ave: 312.31p/kg
45.6 – 52kg To: 308p/kg Ave: 308.00p/kg


176 Cull Sheep Ave £101/head

Another strong trade for all with Continental Ewes to £135 from G&J Hadfield, Cold Eaton.


36 Store Sheep

Leading Prices:

Suffolk & Single £140.00
Herdwick & Single £92.00
Woodland & Single £120.00
Swales & Single £126


Small Feeding Hoggs to £72


Keep checking our Facebook page for further details on special entries!

Already entered for Thursday 17th June:

16 Mule Ewes with 18 lambs (first time lambers)


Peter Oven

Market Associate

Ivor Lowe


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