Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market Thursday Lunchtime Sheep Sale 2021-01-21

474 Sheep including 307 Finished Hoggs, 79 Cull Sheep & 88 in lamb Ewes

307 Finished Hoggs Av. 245.52p/kg

The wet and snowy weather with a number of road closures resulted in a substantially reduced entry.  Trade was brisk for all weights and many more could have been easily sold.  Top price 274/kg.

Leading Prices:

33.2kg 258p/kg AJ Wainwright, Oxspring
43.7kg 274p/kg J Burton, Ilam
44.7kg 259p/kg C Ford, Tunstead Milton
47.1kg 265p/kg PJ Blackshaw, Pilsley
46.5kg 260p/kg J Drabble, Tideswell Moor



32.1 – 39kg To: 258p/kg Ave: 247.64p/kg
39.1 – 45.5kg To: 274p/kg Ave: 244.64p/kg
45.6 – 52kg To: 265p/kg Ave: 234.50p/kg

 79 Cull Sheep Av £80.93/head

Another strong trade with best continentals to £138.

88 In Lamb Ewes

A strong trade for all with plenty of customers looking and many returning home empty handed.  Top price of £146 for draft mule ewes scanned at 200% from Hayden Fletcher, Peak Forest.  An increased entry is already entered for next week.



Peter Oven

Market Associate

Ivor Lowe


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