Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Theaves & Ewes 2024-10-04

Theaves & Ewes

Friday 4th October 2024


A similar story to last month with quality stronger sorts ticking the boxes with plenty of interest from both far and near.  Those forwards upwards of £250 with the results below speaking for themselves.


A total clearance was easily achieved with an overall average of just over £196 per head.




Texel x to £280.00 ave £199.26

£280 JB Shirt, Edale
£275 J Morten, Edale
£275 A & DJ Gregory, Litton
£270 J Wayne, Ible
£255 Scriveton Manor Farm Holdings
£250 JB Shirt, Edale
£250 J Wayne, Ible
£250 VH Mellor, Chelmorten


Mule to £250.00 ave £205.13

£250 DW Shirt Edale
£250 G & M Limer, Taddington
£245 DW Shirt, Edale
£245 JB Shirt, Edale


Suffolk to £215.00 ave £183.72      

£215 MJ Burnett & Son, Rowsley
£185 GJ Bailey, Weston
£180 GJ Bailey, Weston


Cheviot to £235.00 ave £206.22

£235 C Matthews, Castleton
£230 GA & SM Wainwright & Sons, Bamford
£220 C Matthews, Castleton
£205 D Sharratt, Combs


Masham to £205.00 ave 171.81

£205 E Morten, Edale
£190 E Morten, Edale


Lleyn to £198.00 ave £191.93

£198 N Robinson, Hope
£185 N Robinson, Hope




Texel to £170.00 ave £133.13

£170 RE & D & D Priestley, Castleton
£162 RE & D & D Priestley, Castleton


Mule to £145.00 ave £100.54

£145 JR & MR ADJ Hayes, Alstonefield
£130 JR & MR ADJ Hayes, Alstonefield
£124 HR Hall, Dunstall




Peter Oven

Market Associate

Ivor Lowe


Property and professional services