Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market
Final Round Up 2023 & Sheep Equipment 2023-12-08
A catalogued entry of 1,600 sheep on offer for the final round up of store sheep in 2023 attracted prospective purchasers from Derbyshire and all surrounding counties. This resulted in strong bidding for all types.
Leading Prices;
Texel: ave £78.92
£107.00 PH Wilcockson
£99.00 L Handford
£99.00 PH Wilcockson
£98.00 BD & A Yates & Son
£97.50 R Wood
£96.00 C Riley
£95.00 WL Cooper
£107.00 E Hancock
£89.00 A Birchenough
£93.00 S Harding
Suffolk ave £80.00:
£99.00 DN & JE Renwick
£93.00 J Gill
£61.00 GC & J Eyre
£80.00 N Coverley
86 Breeding Ewes finished the sale off with plenty of bidders and an overall average of £121.21.
Scotch Mule Ewes r/w Ram to £126
NC Mules r/w Ram to £126
Sheep Equipment Sale – A great success!
The twin vendors’ equipment sale at Bakewell attracted a very good crowd with potential purchasers from a wide area.
Galvanised race (4 section) £605
IAE Roll over crate £655
Heavy duty gate mounted racks to £93 each
IAE lamb creeps £285
pairs of IAE walk through troughs to £400
shedding gates to £208.

Peter Oven
Market Associate

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer