Machinery & Dispersals
Grindley Collective Sale 2024 2024-09-06

“Record crowd at Grindley Event and good prices achieved”
The annual Grindley Collective Sale held at the Blythe Inn Paddock by kind permission of Mr Jason Beeson attracted just over 1,000 for this season with a record crowd and extra car parking provided on the other side of the river.
In the smaller lots:
- Pair of Churns £200
- Set of Profile Roof Sheets £500 per lot
- Vintage Wall Lights £140 each
- Pallets of Indian Stone Up to £120 each
- Set of Assorted Scaffold Boards £200
- Large Lots of Timber to £540 per lot
Within the Collectables and Garden Sundries:
- Wrought Iron Gates up to £535 per pair
- Rivetted Water Troughs Up to £270
- Two-Round Pig Troughs c/w Hoops £160
- Ornamental Cast Pillars £860
- Anvil c/w Stand £720
In the Livestock Sundries and Fencing:
- Wooden Fence Post £320 per pack
- 8ft Galvanised Leg Troughs £250 per pair
- Plastic Calf Hutches c/w Fronts £300 per pair
The dispersals sales on behalf of the Clark Family and Hilary Jackson attracted wide interest:
- Massey Ferguson 135 c/w Loader £4,650
- Large Dog Kennel £520
- Husqvarna Chainsaw £460
- Qnty of Modern Massey Ferguson Front Weights £580
In the Machinery:
- Wessex Topper £3,900
- Ifor Williams Plant Trailers £2,750
- McHale F550 Round Baler (07’, 37,000 Bales) £8,600
- Ifor Williams LM146 Tri Axle Trailer £3,100
- Ifor Williams 16ft Tri Axle Trailer £3,100
- 8 Ton Hydraulic Drop Down Low Loader Trailer £3,600
- Claas Round Baler (18,000 Bales) £6,900
- McHale Round Bale Squeeze c/w Euro 8 Brackets £750
In the Tractors and Plant Section:
- Barford 6 Ton Articulated Dumper £2,280
- Terrex Power Driven Roller £3,250
- Fordson Super Major £2,300
- Lamborghini 744.80 c/w Loader £4,500
- JCB 408 Farmaster Handler £5,000
Further sales being booked and small holder dispersal in early October, see our website for further details

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer