Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

High Peak Livestock Society Sheep Sale for Saturday 19th October 2019 2019-10-19

HPLS Hill Ram Show

As usual the HPLS Hill Ram Show and breeding sheep sale proved to be “great day out for all the family”.

Several changes to timing and running order had been introduced for 2019 and these were a resounding success.

With 4,734 sheep catalogued including over 400 rams there was plenty to go at and both rings had a full attendance of buyers.

But before battle commenced in the sale rings came the Hill Ram Show masterfully judged by Richard Cottrill from Snake Pass. Full details of the show results can be found later on in the report.

By popular request the format was different this year with the sale of females commencing at 10am with shearlings.

The first pen in the ring was a fine bunch of Mashams setting the tone for the day.


Alastair Sneddon

Senior partner

Livestock, auctioneering and professional services