Machinery & Dispersals

Highlands Park Farm Report 2023-03-03

“Massive Crowd at Early Season Bagshaws Sale”

Mark Elliott

The sale on behalf of Nigel and Fiona Roobottom at Highlands Park attracted wide interest including purchasers from Shropshire, Wales and other areas.

With over 300 cars in the car park there was an excellent attendance and very spirited bidding.

Within the Smaller Lots;

  • Two-Narrow Galvanised Slot In Gate Posts                                                            £55
  • Various Boxes of Nuts and Bolts                                                                                 £36 per lot
  • Single PTO Shaft                                                                                                               £50
  • Tow Chain                                                                                                                           £42
  • Tanker Flexi Pipe                                                                                                              £170
  • Single Phase Transfer Pump                                                                                        £55

In the Dairy/Cattle Sundries Section;

  • Fibre Silage Pit Covers                                                                                                    £115 each
  • Pallets of 30 Rectangular Heavy Cover Mats (for Clamps)                                Up to £860 per lot
  • AI Flask and Sundries                                                                                                      £150
  • Twin Grain Pedestals                                                                                                      Up to £160 per lot
  • Single Phase Martin Lishman Grain Blowing Fan                                                  £280
  • Heavy Duty 10ft Steel Galvanised Hang On Troughs                                          Up to £125 each
  • Large Plastic Cattle Water Troughs                                                                           Up to £250 and £230
  • Ring Feeders                                                                                                                      Up to £160 each
  • 8ft Galvanised Leg Trough c/w Rack and Lid                                                          £260
  • Sets of Large Calf Pens inc 3 Fronts and 3 Sides                                                   Up to £580 per set
  • Single Sets of 9 Calf Pens with 9 Sides                                                                     at £540
  • The IAE Galvanised Cattle Crush achieved                                                             £1,260
  • Various Sheeted Doors                                                                                                  £160 each

In the Machinery;

  • Trailed Quad Sprayer                                                                                      £640
  • Merska 700 S2 Mounted Roller Mill                                                          £6,000
  • Moulton Galvanised Yard Scraper                                                             £210
  • Storth Galvanised Slurry Stirrer                                                                  £1,780
  • Pichon Vacuum Tanker c/w Dribble Bar had attracted a lot of interest with bidders from afar and eventually achieved £13,600.
  • The Hi-Spec 16 Cubic Metre Diet Feeder achieved                             £6,500
  • New Holland T5030 2WD (08’ Plate-4,156 Hours)                               £17,000
  • Kramer 680 Telehandler (2012 Build-7,000 Hours but had received a new engine less than 1,200 hours ago and achieved a massive £24,200 (with no attachments included).

Included By Kind Permission Section;

A feature of the sale was the inclusion of various Land Rovers with the 2015 Land Rover Defender 90 (County Pack) with 37,150 miles on the clock at £25,200 Plus VAT and another included Land Rover 90 Defender (County Pack) with Black Alloys and Side Runners, 62,000 miles £25,400.

Another feature of the sale was Ifor Williams Trailers with Ifor Williams P5E Trailers Up to £740. Ifor Williams Twin Axle 14ft Cattle Trailers Up to £4,550 and Ifor Williams Flat Tri-Axle Plant Trailers Up to £1,550.

The New Holland TD5-65 2WD Tractor (14’ Plate) achieved £10,000 with a smart 2016 year Krone Swadro 46 Mounted Single Rotor Rake at £4,100 and a set of Browns Hydraulic Folding Tine Harrows at £2,820.

Galvanised Bateman Comfort Cubicles Up to £30 each In Situ, with a 5 Place Cattle Yoke Gate at £500.

A very successful event including Studded Water Troughs Up to £240 each and more sales coming up soon.


Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer