Livestock & Dairy: Leek Market
Leek Market Report 2023-10-31

A bit of a rainy end to October but not dampening the trade at Leek.
The Barren and Clean Cattle sections saw a similar trade to last week with bigger numbers required to meet the needs of the buyers.
671 Lambs on offer meeting a strong trade with some spirited bidding, more Lambs required to meet the strong demand.
The Dairy section saw an entry of 34 with some Dairy Calves on offer. Topping the trade was a Holstein Heifer at £1900.
A good show of Calves on offer, seeing some excellent quality. Plenty of interest at the ringside proving that many more could be sold.

Meg Elliott
Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer