Livestock & Dairy: Leek Market

Leek Market Report 2021-07-13

TRADE ON FIRE – TOP OF £2440, 12 OVER £2000

The trade for milkers on Tuesday matched the weather been too hot to handle for many purchasers.

A smaller pedigree entry met a flying trade with a Seagull-Bay MVP daughter from Andrew & Joanna Bunting reaching £2260 with a lovely crossbred heifer from Edward Whittaker reached £2110.

However it was the entry of 11 fresh heifers from the Johnson family of Longnor that really set the trade alight with the first through the ring reached £2400. The entry topped at £2440 with 10 passing the £2000 mark and averaging out at £2148. The Johnsons have another 8 entered for next week.

Calves topped at £300 also from the Buntings with the two stock bulls also selling well, the Limousin reaching £2400 and the Beef Shorthorn £2100.


Meg Elliott

Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate

Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Oliver Hiles

Market Associate