Livestock & Dairy: Leek Market

Leek Market Report 2021-10-19

A terrific entry on Tuesday of 120 Dairies saw a 100% clearance with a top price of £2300.

Broomhouse Achiever Quest 6797 from Messrs Easom was an ABS Achiever daughter out of an 86 point dam. Sold for £2300 giving 32.5kg she went to Messrs Bradbury of Earl Sterndale.

Top cow was also from the Broomhouse Herd selling for £1850. A second calver giving 42kg she went to the same home.

A lovely entry of 38 Shorthorns attracted much interest with a second calver Amber Princess Anne 129 GP81 taking first in the cow class and overall champion from J Hole & Sons, Ashover. She went on to sell for £1700.

However it was a heifer from the same home Amber Lady Annetta 93 that topped at £1900. By Amber Lightening she went to Messrs Howard of Guide, Blackburn.

A very pretty 1 month old calf from Rob Kite reached £580. By Blackwood Park Butternut, she boasted 4 gens VG/EX.

Next week we have the Herd Sale on behalf of Messrs Carter. These are really everything you want in a cow, great type, milk, genetic merit and high herd health.


Meg Elliott

Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate

Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Oliver Hiles

Market Associate