Leek Market Report 2022-03-01


Selling time – 11:30am

Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)


HERD TO £1940 AV £1440

Another exceptional trade for milkers in particular for the part herd dispersal on behalf of the Wilkinson family of Byley.

Topping the day within the commercial section were two heifers, the first from Messrs Shepherd of Bakewell and a second from Messrs Mills of Ratcliffe on Soar. Both reached £2120 and went to Messrs Bailey of Brown Edge.

Close behind at £2100 was a neat white heifer from Messrs Riley of Newtown.

There was plenty of interest for the part dispersal of cross bred cows from Steve Wilkinson and family of Byley. Trade topped at £1940 for a Friesian third calver to Messrs Higginson. Close behind was a  2017 born Shorthorn calved in December with her 4th at £1900. Other Shorthorns reached £1760 for a 2012 born cow. Jersey crosses also sold exceptionally well to £1680.

Next week we have the Herd Dispersal on behalf of the Brunt family, one not to miss. If you have stock to sell don’t hesitate to get in touch, ring Meg Elliott on 07967 007049.


Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Meg Elliott

Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate