Livestock & Dairy: Leek Market

Leek Market Report 2022-07-26

“Plenty of purchasers in attendance for the Herd sale on behalf of the Hill family of Allostock saw a March calved third calver due again in March top at £2090”.

Meg Elliott

A very busy market this Tuesday after last weeks heatwave affecting the market.

The Dairy shed saw heifers up to £2400 and the dispersal on behalf of the Hill Family, Allostock sold up to £2090.

A lot more sheep forward this Tuesday and lamb prices dropping considerably nationally compared to last weeks markets. Lambs saw a top price of 260p/kg or £114/head and average of 228p/kg. Cull ewes still selling well, with a top price of £172.

Barren cows sold up to 190p/kg or £1327.20, with clean cattle up to 213p/kg.

Pig numbers back to normal and an excellent trad throughout seeing prices up to 180p/kg for both cutters and bacon pigs.

A bumper entry of calves with 210 forward, and trade strong throughout seeing best bulls to £410 for a Charolais and heifers to £360.


Selling time – 10:00am

Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)

A good entry this Tuesday and trade a little less on the week seeing the best to 190p/kg for a 690kg Limousin cow from J T Needham, Bradnop, with Beef Shorthorns to 179p/kg for a 665kg cow from MJ, C & PM Reeves, Ipstones.

Black & Whites sold up to 179p/kg for a 695kg Fleckvieh from Woodward Partners, Rudyard and a 730kg Swedish Red at 171p/kg from E Morten & Sons, Barmoor Clough who also sold a 770kg Holstein at 170p/kg.

Other top prices;

169p 690kg Simmental – Bottom Lane Farm, Ipstones

168p 790kg Friesian – C W Pearce, Tean

165p 610kg Charolais – J T Needham, Bradnop

159p 760kg Montbeliarde – A & K Alcock, Cheadle

159p 800kg Holstein – J Hughes, Cheddleton

156p 755kg Holstein – H W Heath & Son, Hartwell

Overall average of 144.5p/kg or £962.66 per head.  

Top headage price of £1327.20 for the 790kg Friesian from C W Pearce, with Limousin’s to £1311, Holsteins to £1309 & £1272.


A few more clean about this week with some best butchers quality cattle forward. Top price of 213p/kg for a 665kg Hereford heifers, with a 645kg Hereford heifer at 209p/kg and a 585kg Hereford heifer at 200p/kg, all from Home Farm, Rushton Spencer.

A 520kg Hereford steer realised 209p/kg from J S Hine, Biddulph Park and a 550kg Hereford steer at 198p/kg from the same home.


Selling time – 11:30am

Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)



Trade for milkers was a tad easier on Tuesday however the best still reached £2400.

Topping the day was a 31kg heifer from the Needhams of Rushton Spencer at £2400 who also had a second to £2100. Michael Wainwright of Buxton saw his heifer reach £2260.

Plenty of purchasers in attendance for the Herd sale on behalf of the Hill family of Allostock saw a March calved third calver due again in March top at £2090.

Plenty more Herd Sales to come (detailed below). Please get in touch if you have stock to sell. Phone Meg on 07967 007049.

PIGS (141);

Selling time – 9:15am

Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894).

An excellent entry of pigs this week and some excellent prices achieved. Cutting pigs topped at 180p/kg for 83kg pigs from Massie Farms who sold other similar weights at 178p/kg x3; 176p/kg & 174p/kg. A pair of 81kg pigs sold for 178p/kg from PF & PD Parsons, and 178p/kg for 82kg pigs from J & B Fentem.

Bacon pigs also topped at 180p/kg for 88kg pigs from Massie Farms, and also for a 87kg pig from PF & PD Parsons. 177p/kg was achieved for a 89kg pig from David Goldstraw, Meerbrook and 176p/kg for a pen from Massie Farms. The Fentem’s sold other bacon pigs at 171p/kg and 170p/kg twice.

Heavy pigs topped at 147p/kg for 105kg pigs from J & B Fentem, who also sold a 118kg pig for 140p/kg and a 120kg pig for 134p/kg.

One sow today sold very well at 85p/kg for a 293kg sow from Bernard Minshull.

Three pens of weaners forward selling up to £24 for 23kg pigs from A Worth, with a pen of 12 at £18 from N G Kay, Cromford.


Cutting Pigs (37);         av 175.17p/kg or £145.53/head

Bacon Pigs (69);           av 153.18p/kg or £143.99/head

Heavy Pigs (6);             av 116.09p/kg or £136.98/head

Cull Sows (1);              av 85p/kg or £249.05/head


Selling time 11:00am

Auctioneer – Robert  Watkins (07929 946652)


More numbers forward nationally following last weeks extreme weather and also the Royal Welsh Show. This is coupled with sluggish demand from consumers and some trouble getting export lambs over the water.

These have coupled to produce a drop in trade of 60p/kg in 7 days; not only in Leek but in virtually every other market on the same day. Whether that is a short term blip or a new longer term price level will become clear over the coming weeks. Overall average this week at 228p/kg ot £94.80 (£25 less on the week). It much also be noted however the quality of lambs generally was notably less.

Not withstanding the above, we did have a competitive trade throughout albeit at a lower price. 9 bidders representing 15 buying accounts ensured competitive bidding on every pen. Best sorts to 260p/kg or £114/head.

Sample prices;

254p    39kg    J M Robinson, Swythamley

245p    39kg    L Parnell, Derby

260p    41kg    J M Robinson, Swythamley

246p    40kg    J M Robinson, Swythamley

246p    44.3kg J Hodgkinson, Wetton

246p    40.5kg A P Leason, Ilam

238p    45.6kg C E Smith, Longford

236p    46.3kg S Chesters & Z Joliffe, Withington

234p    48kg    J Hodgkinson, Wetton


Pleasing to see more numbers with the average below £100 for the first time in a long time but this was mostly due to the lack of very best Texel’s and more leaner hill ewes in the entry. Best on offer to £172 for ewes and £152 for rams.

CALVES (210);

Selling time – 10:00am

Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)

A bumper entry of calves and that certainly drew the buyers out in force and a solid trade for all.

75 Continental Bulls

The biggest entry in a long time and some very smart calves that had benefitted from an extra week or two at home. 14 best topped £330 with a smart Charolais at £410 for Malcolm Kidd. Mediums £230 – £300 with a few smaller bulls under £200.

35 Blues av £239 to £375 – D W & P Hulme

15 Sims av £220 to £300 – J C & D Hudson

18 Lims av £252 to £345 – NG, JMH & H Mellor

7 Cha/Blo av £360 to £410 – M R Kidd

47 Continental Heifers

A good number of buyers at the ringside wanting calves to rear. 5 best Blues top £300 with Normal Mellor in top spot at £360 & £305 and R E Poyser also looked well sold with Lims at £345 twice and £305. 12 best topped £255; mediums £180 – £240 with smaller, plainer or younger calves under £150.

26 Blues av £208 to £360 – NG, JMH & H Mellor

9 Sims av £159 to £280 – TD & DA Higginson

10 Lims av £211 to £285 – F E Whittaker & Sons

47 Natives  

As good to sell as ever, particularly the Angus’s.

16 AA Bulls to £228 – C Jackson & Sons

9 Hereford Bulls to £215 – K & A Smith

16 AA Heifers av £117 to £230 – S Foxley

31 Black & White Bulls

A posh Monty made £312; Norwegian Reds to £158; Friesians to £115 and Holsteins to £98. Mediums £50 – £80 with smaller calves generally £25 – £40.

14 Reared Calves from 5 Vendors

2 Hereford Bulls (4 ½ mths) to £330 – KI & EL Matkin

Hereford Heifers (5 ½ mths) to £305 – S E Howe



On behalf of Collin Jackson & Sons, Macclesfield, Cheshire – 56 SHORTHORNS & HOLSTEIN FRIESIANS – Cubicles & Abreast, Vacc Leptospirosis, BVD & IBR. Milk Quality: 3.99%F 3.24%P cc121



Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle

Entries Close Friday 29th July

Next Sale: Saturday 27th August 



Breeding Sheep Sale – 11am

MV & Non-MV Sections

Entries Close Friday 29th July



Sale of Store & Breeding Pigs – 10:30am

Followed by Sale of Goats



Dispersal sale of the highly respected ALSOPDALE Herd (210 Head) on behalf of A & J M Bunting, Melbourne Farm, Bakewell, Derbyshire.



Monthly Pedigree Sale. Entries Invited.



Dispersal sale of the Entire Herd of approx. 120 mainly Montbeliardes on behalf of F & E M Buxton & Partners, Woodeaves Farm, Barlaston, Staffs.


Meg Elliott

Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate