Livestock & Dairy: Leek Market

Leek Market Report 2022-08-09


Herd Tops at £2820gns – Milkers Average £1992

It was a very busy day in the dairy shed on Tuesday which included the sale of the Alsopdale Herd on behalf of Andrew and Joanne Bunting.

The ring was packed from the start with trade setting off at a pace within the commercial section. Regular vendors Michael Wainwright and Andrew Weston each showed three powerful heifers that were very keenly sort after.

Michael topped the day at £2900 for a 28kg heifer heading to Andrew Hulme of Basford who took a second from the same home at £2420. The third reached £2600 to J Bayley of Nuneaton.

Andrew Weston saw his top at £2380 with the other two making £2340 and £2280.

Cows peaked at £2160 from Brian Needham of Rushton for a fresh second calver.

A strong crowd was in attendance for the herd sale no doubt because of the exceptional reputation Andrew Bunting had established at Leek over many years.

Trade for production animals was swift throughout topping at 2820gns for a June calved third calver by Westenrade Jethro to Messrs Bayley of Nuneaton.

A June calved heifer by Attico reached 2700gns to Messrs Dakin of Matlock.  A fresh fourth calver by Carnhill Iota Acer giving 38kg went to Messrs Evans of Shrewsbury.

Young calves were keenly sort after topping at 700gns with In-calf heifers up to 2080gn.

Cows averaged a superb £1992 without calves, £2156 with calves.


Meg Elliott

Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate

Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Oliver Hiles

Market Associate