Livestock & Dairy: Leek Market
Leek Market Report 2021-06-08

Well what a day, a full shed of dairies which included the dispersal on behalf of Martin Tidmarsh drew a tremendous amount of interest and met a very fast trade.
Commercials topped at £1920 for a powerful heifer from John Platts of Bamford with a second from the same home at £1900.
The dispersal had something for everyone featuring strong black and whites along with Martins pedigree Foldspride shorthorn herd. The first through the ring reached £2100 for a powerful Holstein heifer to Messrs Neville.
However, it really was the shorthorns that dominated the day with all categories selling well beyond expectations. Within the milkers an 87 point heifer Cotonhall Jackpot Starlet, due again in August to the Angus met spirited bidding as was eventually clinched by Messrs Jepson to join their newly established Rowanmoor Herd at £2780. They also went on to take Foldspride Lilac 2, an Oxton Lord Foggathorpe heifer at £2600 and Amber Lucina 108 at £2350.
The In-calf heifer Foldspride Lady Rose, previously a National Calf champion reached £1940 to Messrs Clews of Biddulph Moor with another Foldspride Dairymaid making £1920 to Messrs Thomason of Norbury.
The youngstock displayed tremendous style with a yearling heifer Foldspride Starlet creating lots of interest and eventually being purchased by Tom Malkin of Stone at £1580.
Rob Kite invested back into his own Prunella family purchasing the February born calf Foldspride Prunella by Beckney Graham for £1050 with others to £880.
The milkers averaged a superb £1402 with every life averaging out at £1256!


Meg Elliott
Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Oliver Hiles
Market Associate