Livestock & Dairy: Leek Market

Leek Market Report 2023-08-15

DAIRIES (162);

Selling time – 11:30am

Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)

* HEIFERS TO £2320 * 18 £2000+ *

A mammoth entry of Milkers for the August Pedigree Sale sold on a solid trade despite the continued disappointment in relation to milk price.

A number of vendors produced some real quality runs of cows and heifers giving purchasers an abundance of choice to get their teeth into.

Topping the day was the Weston family of Roston with an Optimal daughter giving 32kg. This bull really impressed yesterday with a number of his daughters selling on a strong trade. The heifer was eventually clinched by Andrew Hulme of Basford at £2320. The Weston family saw a number of others pass the £2000 mark including a Battlecry Bionic daughter at £2200.

Hot in pursuit at £2300 was a stylish Secretariat daughter from Michael & Caroline Wainwright of Buxton also to Andrew Hulme.

Some quality entries of Shorthorns however really stole the limelight. A superb heifer by Bushmills Jazz from Martin Tidmarsh had created a real buzz of interest prior to sale. This was rewarded with some strong bidding the heifer eventually being secured by the Thomasson family of Norbury at £2300.  They also went on to take another very pretty heifer Burbrook Pure Class Meg from Richard Harper of Burland, Nantwich at £2200.

Overall a satisfying days trading. Plenty of sales coming up over the next month with further details coming out in due course.


Meg Elliott

Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate

Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer