Livestock & Dairy: Leek Market

Leek Market Report for Tuesday 8th October 2019 2019-10-08

A 100% clearance in all sections this Tuesday with good numbers of stock forward. The Dairy shed was buoyant with dairies continuing to sell well topping at £2100 for a 30kg heifer and in-calf heifers to £1480.

Pigs continue to sell on a decent trade to top at 136p/kg for cutters.

Less meated sorts in the barren shed, but a good enquiry for the stock forward selling to 117p/kg for a Simmental and clean to 185p/kg for a neat Blonde heifer.

An improved trade for butchers lambs this Tuesday selling to 206p/kg or £106.02/head. A good number of cull sheep forward also, meeting a firm enquiry selling to £110.

More calves about this Tuesday, with the best sorts selling to £395 for a 2 month old Blue Bull calf, and stronger heifers to £325.


Selling time – 10:00am

Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)

Same number of cattle this week, with trade similar, but a shortage of good meated sorts forward effecting the overall average.

Top price of 117p/kg for an 885kg Simmental cow from A & K Farming, Heaton. Black & whites sold to 116p/kg for a 665kg Friesian from B J Archer, Hilton.

Other top prices includes;

115p 825kg Charolais – C & E J Whilock, Werrington

115p 685kg Friesian – J E Archer & Sons, Hilton

114p 625kg Hereford – JH & IEA Bennett, Brandside

114p 640kg Brown Swiss – WM, EM & WP Gleave

110p 680kg Angus – FP & SK Goodwin, Wincle

108p 570kg Shorthorn – G G Hall & Son, Croxden

108p 715kg Holstein – H & E Bailey, Brown Edge

108p 595kg Red Poll – G G Hall & Son, Croxden

Overall average of 90.76p/kg or £580.67 per head.

Top headage price of £1035.45 for the 885kg Simmental, with Charolais to £948.75 and black & whites to £787.75 and £782.40.

A 1280kg Angus stock bull sold at 97p/kg from P F Gilman, Thorncliffe to gross £1241.60.


Selling time – 10:45am approx.

Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)

Trade still the same and a top of 185p/kg for a 560kg Blonde heifer from Beryl Kirkham, Leek. Other heifers sold to 159p/kg for a 550kg Angus from S J Potts, Biddulph.

Steers sold to 169p/kg for a 650kg Limousin from E A Sessions & Sons, Dalbury Lees, who also sold a 645kg Limousin steer at 154p/kg. A 515kg British Blue steer sold at 154p/kg from G W Forrester, Abbotts Bromley.

Top headage price of £1098.50 for steers and £1036 for heifers.


Selling time – 11:00am

Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)

The trade for Dairies at Leek continues to be on a rising plain with all qualities and sectors selling extremely well.

Topping the day at £2100 was a 30kg heifer from Alan Thomas of Kimcote, Leics with another from the Phillips family of Winkhill at £1980.

Next in line at £1920 was a heifer from Derek Davenport of Brereton.

Three groups of in-calf heifers sold well to top at £1480 from Nigel Smith of Lutterworth.

There is already a fantastic entry for nest weeks Pedigree sale which includes the Inaugural Shorthorn Society Sale at Leek. 54 Shorthorns are entered to date from some of the leading herds. Catalogues will be out shortly.

PIGS (87);

Selling time – 9:15am

Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)

Less pigs about this week, but trade still very much buoyant and similar to previous weeks.

Cutting pigs topped at 136p/kg for a pair of 83kg pigs from PF & PD Parsons, Maelor, who also sold 81kg pigs for 128p/kg and 84kg pigs from J & B Fentem at 122p/kg.

Bacon pigs sold to 126p/kg for 94kg pigs from Chris Hine, Biddulpj, with the Parson family selling 93kg pigs at 120p/kg and 91kg pigs at 120p/kg for J & B Fentem.

Heavy pigs sold to 111p/kg for 125kg pigs from J Wheawall, Leigh.

Cull sows sold to 74p/kg twice for 240kg and 273kg sows from G W Brock & Son, Warrington, with an 180kg sow at 72p/kg from Chris Hine, and a 340kg sow at 65p/kg from J Armitage, Belper.


Cutting Pigs (43) av 109.92p/kg or £90.52/head

Bacon Pigs (31) av 105.10p/kg or £97.92/head

Heavy Pigs (6) av 83.13p/kg or £94.76/head

Culls Sows (7) av 70.69p/kg or £182.56/head


Selling time 11:00am

Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)


A reduced entry which is a shame given the increased demand with one order for best types unable to get started.

Best types in strong demand to a top of 206p/kg. big lambs also very keenly sought after to top at 200p for 50kg lambs and 186p/kg for 57kg lambs to top at £106.02.

Plainer sorts still harder to sell but notably firmer than last week generally 155p – 165p/kg.

Overall average of 168p/kg.

Sample prices;

198p 38kg A C Langridge, Fole

206p 40kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside

201p 43.3kg S & J Reeves, Grindley

190p 40kg J Gilman & Partners, Bosley

200p 50kg Shirley & Boam, Longnor

181p 45.7kg S & J Reeves, Grindley

186p 57kg Shirley & Boam, Longnor


A strong entry sold on a solid trade to top at £112 for best Texels from Roger & Simon Bailey with others at £110 from the Mifflin family at Bignall End.

Best Mules sold to £68 and generally meated types £60+. Mediums £50 – £60 and lean sorts £30 – £50.

Overall average £63.18.


Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Meg Elliott

Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate