Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal – Buttertons Lane Farm 2023-10-06
“Large Crowd at Haslington Dispersal for Retirement Salel”
Friday 6th October 2023 – Buttertons Lane Farm, Crewe, CW1 5UT
The dispersal sale on behalf of Mr Robert Aspden who was retiring from his council holding at Buttertons Lane Farm attracted a large crowd with support from North Wales, South Yorkshire and other surrounding areas.
In the Small Lots:
Four Copper Cylinders £300
Nine Hole MF Drawbar £42
Half Box of Grease Cartridges £32
Single Phase Parlour Fan £65
The fixtures had attracted good interest with the concrete sleepers already stacked ready to load:
Best Concrete Sleepers £12.66 each
Galvanised Mesh Bottom Gates £120 each
Studied Water Troughs £48 each
Gate Barriers Up to £100 each
Galvanised IAE Foot Path Kissing Gates Up to £250 each
The farm’s IAE Cattle Crush had seen little work and achieved £1,320 with IAE Cattle Race Front Yolks at £420.
In the Machinery :
Conor 1100 Vacuum Tanker £1,160
Ford 4600 2WD Tractor – T reg £1,800
Lamborghini 774/80 4WD c/w Loader £7,300
There was wide interest and spirted bidding with regard to fixtures etc:
Smith Timber Field Shelter for Horses £800
3 Bay Steel Frame Garage £4,400
Cow Mats Up to £22.80 each
In the Non VAT items:
Lawnflite Petrol Driven Mower £205
Two Cast Horse Head Figurines £205
Brown Swiss Hand Made Cow Sign £52
Further sales booked for later in the month please see the website.

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer