Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal-Church Cottage Farm, Hulland Ward 2024-05-03

“John Deere 6930 Tops £31,000 at Derbyshire Dispersal”
Mark Elliott
The genuine dispersal on behalf of Patricia Hasse at Hulland Ward attracted wide interest with purchasers present for all lots and support from both the northern counties and Northern Ireland together with all the local area.
Top call of the day £31,200 for the John Deere 6930 showing 7,559 hours and 2009 year. After spirited bidding input from various purchasers in Northern Ireland and Derbyshire it was purchased by a local farmer to go straight to work.
There was a wide range of Sundries and Effects
- John Deere Push Mower £80
- Heavy Duty Komatsu Socket Set £40
- Petrol Driven Welder Set £360
- Clarke Pillar Drill £50
- Calf Dehorning Crate £64
The machinery on the holding had been well cared for with;
- Hackett Hyd Folding Harrows £880
- Single Axle Bale Trailer £1,150
- Fraser Barrel Spreader £2,440
- Kuhn Twin Rotor Rake £6,650
- Krone 4 Rotor Tedder £3,900
- McHale HS2000 Trailed Bale Wrapper £7,200
The farms Manitou was a MLT 627 Model (2007) and achieved £14,800 with buckets up to £710 and a 12 Tine Sheargrab at £600.
The Bobcat S220 Skidsteer attracted wide interest and was sold showing 6,489 hours at £8,100.
Bobcat attachments up to £550 with pallet tines at £380 and buckets to £320 each.
Within the included items:
- Kuhn VKM 2800 Topper was sold at £2,280
- 6 Ton Wooden Side Grain Trailer £650
- Hydraulic Folding Chain Harrows at £580
All in all a very good result and a large crowd on the day for a small number of lots.
Booking sales throughout the region with various Classic Tractor and other sales coming up before too long.

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer