Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal – Danesmoor Farm 2023-06-17
Mark Elliott
The sale on behalf of the Patton Family at Stretton attracted a very large crowd with a diverse number of lots and over 650 Lots sold.
In the smaller items; Quantity of Alloy £80, Quantity of Lead £170, Various Copper fittings £175.
Twin Leg Lifting Chain £58, 9 Hole Drawbar £24, Top Links to £51 each, Pair of old Massey Ferguson Arms £80, Heiniger Electric Cattle Clippers £170, Western Mobile Mini Fuel Store £150.
Long RSJs to £300 each, 4 Acro Props £65, Hunt Roller Mill £220.
A wide array of livestock equipment with 2 Small Corn Troughs at £50, Galvanised Corn Trough £45, Diagonal Gate Barrier £85, Calf Pen Front with 2 hurdles up to to £65 per set, Ring feeders up to £170, Portequip Cattle Crush £880.
In the machinery, Grays Heavy Flat Roller £700, Mounted Manual Folding Chain Harrows £400, Krone AMT2832 Trailed Mower Conditioner £2400, Welger RP220 Round baler £5950, Hillam Barrel Spreader £1020.
The JCB 3D Digger Loader was sold to a local purchaser for £2220, with the Case MX110 4WD Tractor (X reg – 8000 hours) £15000.
One of the star attractions of the day was a Range Rover Diesel conversion (1970’s M) which attracted a lot of interest from far and wide, and even though a non-runner with no seats achieved £1280.
The special entry on behalf of the Mear Family from Matlock saw their Ford 4600 2WD tractor achieve £4720 with their Ferguson Grader Blade at £330 and Ferguson Cultivators up to £145 each.
In the included items Nesco Roller 275 Tedders up to £600, Zetor 6211 (F Reg 2WD) £4000, Small Galvanised Calf Crush £180, John Deere 2650 £5900, Ken Wooton 8T Mono Body Tipping trailers to £3580, and Bamford Wuffler to £145.
There was a large range of non-vat items sold in the yard for the family, to include a Stainless Milk Bucket £150, Childs Petrol Go Cart £130, Wooden Garden Loungers £70, Glazed Milk Pansions to £220 per set, and a pair of Washing Baskets at £45.
An extremely good sale with excellent attendance and something for everyone.
Check the website for further sales as a large run of sales to start after mid-July.

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer