Machinery & Dispersals

Machinery Dispersal – Ford Valley Farm 2024-01-12

The Bagshaw’s onsite sale team kicked off the year extremely early with their first sale on the

12th January on behalf of the Ward Family at Ford Valley, Marsh Lane, Eckington close to the M1.


The sale attracted National and Northern Irish interest as there were some superb New Holland Tractors included for the event, with the vendors having already sold Ford Valley Farm and everything for dispersal.


A very large crowd arrived onsite and in spite of the early January rain, car parking worked well.


The highlights of the sale were undoubtedly the virtually unused New Holland T6.180 4WD Tractors, one with a loader on and one with creep speed and 50k gear box. These two immaculate tractors topped the sale at £74,800 for the T6.180 4WD with creep speed gearbox and only 61.7 hours on the clock. Its stablemate complete with Power Loader and 50K gearbox had undertaken exactly 100.7 hours on sale day and achieved £72,000. Both tractors were purchased by farmers to go straight to work with livestock and mixed enterprises in Worcestershire and Derbyshire being the eventual purchasers.


In the Small Lots:

  • Large lot of Profile Roof Sheets                               £410
  • Galvanised IAE Gates Upto £100 each
  • Stihl Petrol Strimmer £130
  • Stihl Petrol Cut Off Saw                                              £300
  • 12 Volt Powered Electric Clay Pigeon Trap £450
  • Dirt Driver Single Phase Pressure Washer £420
  • Heavy Duty Sheep Sale Race Hurdles Upto £140 each
  • Larson Traps To £95 each


In the Tractor Sundries:

  • Ford Pick Up Hitch Hook                               £70
  • Maschio Sockets c/w with Bearings                               £180
  • Stocks Fan Jet Slug Pelleter Applicator £150
  • Set of 12 – 45kg New Holland Weights                £420


There was a large array of Mowers etc including:

  • Honda GEN170 Pedestrian Powered Lawn Mower £540
  • Westwood S1300 Ride On Mower £720
  • Westwood T1600 Ride On Mower £900


The holding had been principally corn and potatoes with a small range of kit which had been extremely well kept and was in very good order:

  • Kuhn Cultimer L300 Mounted Stubble Cultivator £7000
  • Maschio 3m Power Harrow £2350
  • Howard Rotavator £2600
  • Kverneland LD85 4 Furrow Reversible Plough £2500
  • Kverneland UN1700 Single Row Potato Lifter £2450
  • Hardi 12 Metre Mounted Sprayer (Immaculate Condition) £7550


As detailed the tractors attracted extremely competitive biddings.

Bidding with the Classic Fords achieving very good figures:

  • Ford 6410 2WD (Super Q – 9380 hours) £10,200
  • Ford 4610 4WD With Loader (LP Cab–5881 hours) £15,850


Details of the principle New Hollands are given above and as detailed they achieved £72,000 and £74,800 respectively.


Various relatives of the Ward family, together with other local vendors had included items in the sale, with details as follows:

  • New Holland T5.115 4WD c/w 740TL Loader £30,000
  • John Deere 6330 4WD c/w Loader £29,000
  • Ifor Williams Twin Axle Demount Livestock Trailer £4,500
  • Kuhn VKM 280 Mounted Flail Topper £2,300
  • Kverneland 8452 4 Rotor Mounted Tedder £4,300
  • Claas Volto 1000 – 10 Rotor Mounted Tedder £5,700


An excellent sale to start the season with national and local support and superb prices to reflect the quality of the kit for genuine dispersal.


Sales booked throughout the region, please keep an eye on local press and website for dates to be announced shortly.


Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer