Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal-Home Farm, Middleton By Youlgrave 2021-05-14

“Records Broken by the Bagshaws Team at Recent Derbyshire Dispersal”
There was exceptional support for the joint dispersal at Home Farm, Middleton by Youlgrave on behalf of Claire Sutton and Louise Fletcher where nearly 630 lots were sold on the 14th May.
The highlight of the sale was the genuine Land Rover 90 which had been purchased new by Claire and Louise’s father, the late David Twigg of Hartle Moor Farm.
Within the small lots;
- Heavy Duty RSJ’s to £1,000 per lot
- Steel Tip Skips to £230 each
- Shepherdess Milk Feeder Unit £55
- Mosa Generator Welder Unit £600
- Longhorn 12v Battery Powered Shearer Unit £300
The Galvanised Tripod Fibre Sided Leg Bin within the yard sold at £1,000 and the team then moved onto an extensive range of galvanised second-hand Penning Sections for both sheep and cattle usage.
Short Galvanised Sheep Pen Sections to £65 per lot, with longer Galvanised Pen Sections in units of 5 up to £290 per lot. The Heavy Duty Lamb Adopter Pens c/w fronts and three Heavy Duty Side Hurdles attracted a lot of interest to top at £120 per set, with others at £115 and £110. IAE Wheeled Lamb Creep Units Up to £210 each with the Portequip Twin Side Hogg Feeders on legs up to £680 each. Galvanised 15ft gates up to £90 each.
In the tractor sundries and small machinery pairs of 24ins JCB Wheels up to £430 per set with a Heavy Duty JCB Headstock at £270 and slide on pallet tines at £140 for the pair. A set of seven Ford Front Slab Weights achieved £260 with a set of 10 Agco 55kg weights at £400 and an old set of 40 Series John Deere Front Weights at £400.
In the machinery, the 20ft Alloy Livestock Container on Single Axle Tractor Pulled Trailer achieved £3,650, with the virtually unused Alligator Mobile Sheep Race System in superb order at an excellent £8,300.
There was wide interest in the larger machines with the Kuhn GF5801 6 Rotor Tedder at £2,900, the Claas liner 680 Trailed Rake at £5450, and the John Deere 644 Round Baler at £6,550.
The McHale 991 BE Trailed Wrapper had seen little work and made a superb £6400.
Both locals and purchasers from far away bid extremely strongly on the trailers with the Herbst Twin Axle Blue Agri Dump Trailer £6400 and a West 2000 Dual spreader at £5500.
Undoubtedly the star of the show was the Land Rover Defender on a 65 plate with Ifor Williams canopy and only 29,100 miles on the clock. As detailed above it had been purchased new by the late David Twigg. There were many bidders for this very clean vehicle and after a considerable bidding war this was purchased by a Congleton purchaser for a record £30,100.
The Massey Ferguson 6480 saw spirited bidding from both Derbyshire, Yorkshire, and Staffordshire and eventually was purchased by a Skipton based farmer for £30,600. The John Deere 6150M with front linkage achieved £35,800 and the 16 year-old JCB 53560 Telehandler went to Herefordshire at £17,000.
The included items were all from local vendors with the genuine dispersal of the late Ian Hill’s items from Bents Farm at Totley.
The Land Rover 90 from a Leek farmer with 92,000 miles achieved £6,350 with the late Ian Hill’s JCB Digger selling at £7,000 and his Manitou MLT 630 Telehandler at £10,850.
Larger local items including Fraser Twin Axle Silage Trailers sold well, up to £2,550 with a Claas Disco 300 Mower at £1,500, Henton Flat Bale Trailer £3,400, NC 11 Ton Silage Trailer £8,050, Shelbourne 1600 Power Spreader £7,400, and a 10 Tine Heavy Duty Cone & Pin FYM Grab at £800.
There were many bidders for the antiquities and Non-Vat collectables, with cast iron round pig troughs complete with hoops up to £280 each, stone troughs up to £680 and a modern steel patio set at £220.

Further sales every week throughout June and July, please view our website for further details.