Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal – Moor Farm, Trowell, Nottingham 2023-05-05
“JCB Telehandler Hits The Heights At Trowell Dispersal”
Mark Elliott
The genuine retirement dispersal on behalf of Mr Alan Kay at Trowell near Nottingham saw an excellent range of principally arable machinery for sale and the Massey Ferguson Tractors an JCB Telehandler attracted particular interest.
There was spirited bidding in all sections including:
- Massey Ferguson Top Links To £48 each
- Old Oil Dispenser Cabinet £95
- IBC Tanks £18 each
- Ferguson T Bar Pick Up Hitches To £260 per set
- David Brown Top Links And Pick Up Hooks To £65 per lot
- 3 Wheel Bale Trolley £90
- Galvanised Medium Sized Ring Feeder £100
In the Wheel Equipment:
- Pair of 8 Stud Flotation Rims (46 inch) £330
- Pair of 8 Stud Massey Ferguson Compliant Rear
- Wheels inc 20.8 – R38 Tyres £1,600
- 900 Kilo John Deere Front Weight Block £1,000
- 9 Massey Ferguson 45 Kilo front Weights £260 per lot
As detailed, the machinery had been very well maintained with excellent prices achieved including:
- Bamford Pro Trim Flail Hedgecutter £5,200
- Perfect KR 270 Mounted Flail Topper £3,200
- Kuhn GF502 4 Rotor Mounted Tedder £4,200
- Kuhn Andex 424 Single Rotor Mounted Rake £3,350
- Kuhn 122 Five Furrow Mounted Reversible Plough £4,200
- TWB5 Leg Subsoiler c/w Heavy Rear Packer £3,400
- Simba DTX 300 Mounted Combi Cultivator £9,600
- Rau Ikarus A28 Trailed 24 Metre 2000 Litre Sprayer £5,100
- Opico 395 PTO Driven 9 Ton Mobile Grain Dryer £5,800
The Trailers had all been barn stored and in spite of their age were in very good order:
- Marshall 10 Ton Double Drop Side Grain Trailer £5,050
- Marshall 10 Ton Monobody Grain Trailer £3,300 and £3,600
- Bailey 12 Ton Monobody Grain Trailer c/w Roll Over Sheet £9,550
- Marshall BC21 Twin Axle Flat Bale Trailer £4,250
Undoubtedly the stars of the show were the Massey Ferguson Tractors and JCB Telehander with a massive amount of interest from all over England for the 526 S Telehandler on 4,800 hours on a W plate.
The Telehandler attracted very spirited bidding and was eventually bought by a Staffordshire farmer at £30,200.
In the Tractor Section:
- Massey Ferguson 390 2WD (E Reg – Red Top Cab) £12,100
- Massey Ferguson 5455 c/w Loader (54 Plate – 9,900 hours) £16,700
- Massey Ferguson 5475 (12 Plate – 4,800 hours) £34,800
- Massey Ferguson 6485 (08 Plate – 5,400 hours) £32,400
In the Collectables Section at the end of the day:
- Old Fashioned Tin Baths To £105
- Alloy Milk Churns c/w Lids To £105 each
- Poultry Troughs And Feeders To £30 per lot
An excellent crowd with very good support – booking further sales throughout the season.

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer