Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal – Moorlands Farm, Letwell, Worksop 2023-07-29
“Classic Tractors including Nuffield 10/60 Bray see Massive Crowd at North Nottinghamshire Dispersal ”
Saturday 29th July 2023 – Moorlands Farm, Letwell, Worksop, Notts
The genuine dispersal sale on behalf of the family of the late Andrew Moore from Letwell Village in North Nottinghamshire attracted a massive crowd for the Bagshaws Auction with support from Scotland, Southern Ireland, the South of England together with all the Eastern Counties and local area.
There were modern and older classic tractors for genuine sale with a few gems for the purest and a wide range of spares and antiquities to add to the mix.
Within the Smaller Lots:
- Bamford Clipper Belt Driven Chaff Cutter c/w intake trough £150
- 5 – Coal Buckets and Galvanised Buckets £35
- 6 Stud Rear Wheel Centre Pan £45
- 3 Ford PTO Guards £50
- 2 Fordson Major Badges plus Nuffield Side Panel £45
- 2 Roadless Front Grills £170
- 2 Nuffield Arms £85
- Nuffield Fuel Tank £45
- Fordson Dexter Mudguards £340
- Nuffield Front Weight Box £150
- Set Of Alloy Mobile Scaffold Steps £160
The small range of machinery had been extremely well kept with prices as follows:
- Small Twose Transport Box £400
- Ransomes Single Leg Mole Plough £390
- McAvoy Trailed Ring Roll £780
- Simba Trailed Discs £1,750
As detailed, the best lots in the sale were the Classic and Vintage Tractors which sold to a very large crowd:
- Fordson Super Dexter £5,700
- Fordson Super Major £3,250
- Fordson Major 4WD £8,250
- County Super 4 (Non-Runner – Seized Front Wheel) £17,400
The absolute star was the G Registration 1960’s Nuffield Bray 4-10/60 4WD which drove out on sale day and achieved £26,200 to a Staffordshire Collector.
Within the More Modern Classics the excellent original patina on the Ford Tractors attracted bidders from a wide area:
- Ford 66 2WD (X Reg – Clock Not Working) £8,400
- Ford 7610 4WD Series 2 (E Reg) £19,000
Within the Smaller Lots:
- Lister Stationary Engine c/w Trolley and Water Tank £360
- Honda CD175 Motorbike (No Documentation and No Number Plate) £1,400
- Lister A9 Stationary Engine on Trolley £290
- Stihl Small Chain Saw £180
A superbly attended sale for well respected clients with results to match.
Five sales scheduled for the next few weeks – see details on the website.

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer