Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal Report-Bentilee Farm 2021-10-02

“Excellent Support at Abbots Bromley Dispersal for Bagshaws”
The genuine dispersal sale on behalf of the Roberts family following the death of the Late Les Roberts saw support from a wide area including Gloucestershire, Shropshire and Cheshire together with all surrounding Counties, and trade good for the 400 lots which were sold.
In the Smaller Lots:
- Heavy Duty Socket Set £52
- Small Boxes of Gate Furniture £20
- Battery Charger £90
- Old Galvanised Milk Stand £60
- MF T Bar Pick Up Hitch £150
- MF Drawbar £55
- Four-Front MF Weights £90
- Nine Hole Drawbar £30
- Hang on Troughs £25 each
- Small Mini Leg Troughs £55 each
- Ring Feeders £125 each
- IAE Crusader Galvanised Cattle Crush £1,540
- A very original early 1970’s Massey Ferguson 15 Baler £840
- Howard Mounted Bale Squeezer £300
- Fleming Single Rotor Topper £760
- Marshall 60 Barrel Spreader (Little Used) £3,300
- Massey Ferguson 135 (S Reg-Q D Cab) £3,500
- Zetor 6340 4WD c/w Loader (M) £10,500
- Zetor 5341 4WD (02) £10,550

Included Items:
- Smart set of 3 Bed Opico Hyd Folding Tine Harrows £2,040
- Ifor Williams TA510G Twin Axle Livestock Trailer £2,300
- International 484 c/w Loader (S) £,2000
- New Holland 7840 SLE 4WD c/w Grays Loader £10,200
Within the collectables:
- 4 Wheeled Trolleys £180
- Round Pig Troughs c/w Hoops £160
- Fiddle Drill £40
- Wooden Butter Churn £80
- Raleigh Budgie Bike and Trike £190
- Small Qnty of Old Sleepers £65
Sales still to come for the Autumn, please visit for more details.

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer