Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal Report-Brook Farm, Atlow, Derbyshire 2022-03-09

“Outstanding prices achieved at Early Season Derbyshire Dispersal”
Mark Elliott
The dispersal sale on behalf of Mr Gordon and Mrs Barbara Cresswell of Brook Farm, Atlow near Ashbourne attracted a very large crowd and the quality items for genuine dispersal saw an excellent trade from start to finish.
The family had been on the tenanted unit since 1970 and had always run Massey Ferguson tractors and sourced their machinery and effects from all the local dealerships.
In the smaller lots;
- Cow Brushes £65
- Vink Calvin Aid £135
- 3 Phase PTO Generator £500
- SIP 40 Single Phase Air Compressor £330
- Milkrite Single Phase Mobile Milking Units £700
- Single Phase Parlour Fan £110
- Wide Sets of Calf Pens c/w 8 Place Fronts £105 per set
- Four Place Bucket Front £80 each
- Cubicle Cow Mats were well bid for with sets of 14 Mats up to £240 per lot
- Sets of x18 Mats £420 per lot
- Alvan Blanch Roller Mixer Unit c/w Unfill Hopper achieved £900
In the main field;
- Pairs of Galvanised Gates Up to £155 per set
- 16ft Heavy Duty Yard Gates Up to £200 each
The main machinery together with tractors and Kramer had been very carefully driven with virtually all items owned from new and sourced from local dealers.
- Storth PTO Slurry Pump c/w Hyd Headstock £840
- Heavy Flat Roller £720
- Set of Drag Chain Harrows £300
- Danuser PTO Mounted Post Hole Borer £420
- Vicon PS 115 4 Mounted Fertilizer Spreader £990
- Browns Hydraulic Folding Tine Harrow £2,650
- The Henton Brabazon 8 Ton Mono Bodied Trailer £3,750
- Graham Edwards 12ft Cattle Trailer (No Decks) £3,200
- Taarup 842 Trailed Bed Spreader £3,000
- Abbey VF1000 Tub Mixer £6,200
- Hi-Spec 1600 Gallon Single Axle Slurry Tanker £8,400
- Bunning Lowlander 60 Rear Discharge FYM Spreader £13,050
The tractors together with Kramer had been recently serviced with new oil and filters and sold extremely well.
Massey Ferguson 135 (G) £3,400
Massey Ferguson 390 4WD c/w MX Loader £16,900
Massey Ferguson 5445 4WD (10’ Plate-2560 Hours) £28,200
Kramer Allrad 750T Teleboom Handler (13 Plate-5,809 Hours) £31,000
The sale also included a Deceased Estate dispersal on behalf of the Late Mr Alsop with the 3 Cylinder Massey Ferguson Loader tractor (M Reg c/w Cab) at £4,300. A 3 Cylinder Massey Ferguson (parts only) £2,500 and a Pettit Single Axle Tipping Trailer at £430.
A well-kept West 6 Ton Single Axle Grain Trailer achieved £2,980 with a virtually unused Albutt Twin Ram Sheargrab on Euro 8 Brackets at £970.
In the non-vat sundries;
Churns up to £65 each
Galvanised Wash Up Trough £110 each
Bamford Petrol Engines up to £380


Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer