Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal Report-Crossgates Farm, Eastmoor 2024-10-30

“North Derbyshire Sale Sees Large Crowd with Over 500 Lots for Sale“
The retirement dispersal sale on behalf of Mr Richard Wilcockson at Eastmoor attracted a very large crowd as there was a diverse range of equipment of included tractors, telehandlers, farm implements, cattle sundries, gates and troughs and furniture and non-vat collectables.
In the smaller lots:
- Ford Single Cab Doors £64
- Massey Ferguson 100 Series Weight Frame £80
- Set of Horn Shears £155
- Small Sheeted Gates £60
- Tombstone Galvanised Ring Feeders £150
In the non-vat items:
- Round Cast Pig Troughs £100
- Anvil £260
Larger items included:
- Browns Rear Mounted Swing Round Post Knocker £2,050
- Ifor Williams Transport Trailer £1,250
- Ford 4000 c/w Loader, Bucket and Fork £4,000
- Massey Ferguson 575 2WD c/w 80 Loader £5,300
- Sanderson TL6 Teleporter £7,300
The 4WD Vehicles attracted wide interest with the farms land rover defender (10 Plate) £12,700 and a Toyota Land Cruiser (08’ at £5,800).
Within the entered lots:
- Land Defender (14’ Plate-Low Mileage) £20,000
- Argo CAT 8 Wheel Drive Amphibious Vehicle £4,500
- Manitou MLT 735 Telehandler £10,000
- Manitou MLA 628 Articulated Telehandler £11,900
- AS Marston 12 Ton Twin Axle Tipping Trailer £4,300
- David Brown 780 (Classic with Smart Paint) £3,800

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer