Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal Report-Crosslands Farm, Doveholes, Buxton 2024-07-13

“Very Busy Sale at Crosslands Farm in Buxton”
Mark Elliott
The Genuine dispersal of behalf of Mr Richard Delaney at Crosslands Farm, Buxton drew a massive crowd with support from all surrounding counties, with the weather holding up until the end of selling time.
The quality mostly non-VAT vintage items of both Mr Delaney’s and other entered local vendors led to an extremely successful sale.
In the Smaller Lots:
- Rekord Vice £120
- Spanners (In Lots) Up to £56
- Clamps Up to £270
- Hydraulic Couplings (In Lots) £105
- Belle Mixer £200
- Metal Shelving (In Lots) Up to £52
- Sockets and Tools (n Lots) Up to £120
- Bosch Hammer Drill £160
- PTO Generator 45kVA £195
Vintage/Collectables Section:
- A Pair Alloy Churns c/w Lids (In Lots) £255
- Mini Anvil and Stand £300
- Old Manuals (In Lots) £50
- ESSO Vintage Tin £75
- Traditional Paraffin Can £60
In The Livestock Section:
- Roll of Sheep Netting £50
- Wooden Stakes Up to £58
- Short Sheep Hurdles £69 per lot
- Long Sheep Hurdles £98 per lot
- Mobile Poultry Shed £205
In the Tractor Sundries:
- Ford Bubble Cab Door £185
- Set of 8 100 Series MF Weights £330
- Tedder Tines (In Lots) Up to £38
- MF Rear Arms Up to £44
- T Bars £85
In the Smaller Machinery:
- Ferguson 2 Furrow Plough £450
- Ferguson Discs £540
- Ferguson Potato Planter £520
- Browns Mole Plough £530
- Salop Tipping Trailer £1050
- Bateson Twin Axle Flat Trailer c/w Electric Tip £3100
Within the Tractors:
- JCB 8015 Mini Digger (2001 Model, 2096hrs) £7450
- MF 135 E-Reg £5520
- MF 135 c/w Loader £5350
- MF 135 c/w Q D Cab £7300
- Ford 6610 4WD c/w Trima Loader £12250
Within the Included Items:
- MF 165 (Multi Power) -VAT £5300
- MF 65 c/w Lambourne Cab- VAT £3100
- Neuman Vintage Diesel Tractor £2000
- Ceased MF 185 (Multi Power) £2880
- MF 390 4WD £10350

Further classic and modern sales are already booked for August and throughout September.
Please see the website for further details.