Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal Report – Hill Farm, Burton on Trent 2024-06-29

“Very Large Crowd at Classic Dispersal Sale in Burton on Trent”
Mark Elliott
The Bagshaws team were out on Saturday 29th June for the dispersal sale on behalf of Mrs Jackie Docksey with a wide range of kit all sold without VAT.
The vintage and classic element of the sale drew customer from far and wide and with a few extra lots from two local vendors, the sale went extremely well.
In the Smaller Lots:
• Long Plastic Culvert Pipes £800 per pair
•Milk Bucket Units £58
•Ferguson 9 hole drawbar £28
•Draper Socket Set £70
•Stihl MS181 Petrol Chainsaw £195
•Evolution Single Phase Mag Drill £300
•Husqvarna TT325 Pedestrian Rotavator £290
•Sets of Fabricators Clamps £55 each
In the Large Items in the Field:
•Riveted Steel Tanks To £70 each
•Metal Security Gates To £560 per pair
•Galvanised Gates To £105 each
•Bateman Galvanised Cattle Crush (Old Type) £580
In the Smaller Machinery:
•Cook Flat 8 Grab £410
•Tanco Balesqueezer £240
•Diesel Dumpers (Some non-runners) To £310 each
As detailed before there was significant interest in the Classic Tractors:
•David Brown 995 c/w Loader £1,550
•Ford 5000 c/w Lambourn Cab and Loader £5,050
•Ford 5000 c/w Lambourn Safety Cab £4,820
Within the Included Items:
A non-runner John Deere 2140 (SG2 Cab) – no drive shafts achieved £4,000 with a “V” Registered Case MX1354 4wd c/w handbrake fault and gear box issues at £10,800.
The final items in the sale were the property of the Talbot family whose superb Westwood ride-on mower achieved £2,000 and a very neat Nuffield 4/25 mini tractor c/w loader at a very good figure of £3,020.
Further classic and modern sales already booked for July and August and throughout September.
Please see the website for further details.

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer