Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal Report-Shirley Farm 2021-07-09

“Exceptional support for extremely well-maintained kit at Whiston Dispersal”
The machinery dispersal sale held on behalf of Richard and David Green at Shirley Farm, Whiston, Stoke attracted wide support as the machinery, Land Rover, Sundries and Effects were in superb order and had been extremely well cared for.
The stars of the show were undoubtedly the two John Deere tractors, Gator and Land Rover but there was a large array of items for sale prior to those items.
In the smaller items;
- Stainless Milk Buckets £30 each
- Alkaline Foam Applicator £200
- Silage Sheet Cover £70 each
- Set of Parlour Pit Matting £175
- Six Stud Spare Trailer Wheel £120
- 8ft Cattle Manger Troughs £60 each
- IAE Galvanised Calf Crush has seen little work and sold at £490
- 10ft Galvanised Wall Mounted Hay Racks at £200 each
In the collectables;
- Stone Gate Post achieved £260 each
- Set of 5 Stone Steps at £400
- Old Stone Pig Sty Slide Feeder Bases at £60 each
All the machinery together with the tractors and Land Rover etc were in pristine order and the family should be commended for the way in which they presented things for sale as they were superbly well finished.
- Howard rotavator sold at £450
- Allman Small Mounted Sprayer £260
- Krone Easy Cut R280V Mower Conditioner £7,950
- Krone 4 Rota Mounted Tedder £5,000
- Krone Swadro 800/26 Twin Rota Trailed Rake £11,900
- McHale F5500 Round Baler (only 9,200 bales) £17,000
- McHale Orbital Trailed Wrapper (under 5,000 bales) £9,800

Trailers and tankers saw spirited bidding from a wide area including North Wales and Cumbria with;
- Marshall 4 Ton Tipping Trailer achieving £2,200
- Redrock 850 Gallon Vacuum Tanker £4,040
- Redrock 1600 Gallon Vacuum Tanker £9,800
- Superb Teagle 8150 Trailed Straw Chopper £8,700
Purchasers had traveled from a wide area to bid at the tractors, gator and land rover with representation from Somerset and Ireland as well as local counties. The John Deere 5080R c/w Loader 62 Plate achieved £29,000. With the John Deere 6115 M (15 Plate) at £44,100 to a local farmer. The John Deere Gator (68 plate-733 hours only) achieved a superb £15,050 and the Green Partnerships items finished with their superb Land Rover Defender (14 Plate-only 18,800 miles at £30,200.

Within the sundry vendors items there was a charity donation of lots from Mr Robert Bentley of Foston and he must be thanked for his donation and delivery on his items which achieved over £150.
Other sundry vendor items included;
- Agri-Mac 6 Ton Tipping Trailer £3,100
- Ursus C 385 2WD tractor £2,500
- Ford 6410 (F Reg-poor cab) £4,500
- Easterby ET10 Twin Axle Bale Trailer £3,660
- Ifor Williams P6G Small Calf Trailer £1,200
- Lely Rotund 510 Mounted Tedder £2,200
- John Deere 331 Mounted Mower Conditioner (2017 model) £7,500
All ready sales booked for August and September for confidential and hands on advice please call Mark Elliott on 07973 673092.