Machinery & Dispersals
Machinery Dispersal Report-Yew Tree Farm 2021-12-01
Large number of lots at Derbyshire Dispersal-Flying Trade
Mark Elliott
The machinery dispersal on behalf of Mr Guy Hadfield who has unfortunately ceased farming due to ill health saw a wonderful field of machinery together with a large array of fabricators kit and general sundries.
There was support from a wide area including North Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Wiltshire and all surrounding counties and items sold on a very fast trade.
In the yard and sundries;
- Bunded Fuel Station £950
- Anvil £340
- 3 Ton Trolley Jack £80
- 5 Cranked Loader Tines £95 per set
- Kingsland J14 Punch £1,220
- Mini Anvil £210
- Lister Welger Generator (1970’s) £680
- Diesel Fired Twin Unit Generator £920
- Kingsland Cutter/Punch £5,000
In addition, there was a wide array of non-vat items including;
- Partly Dismantled Blacksmith Bellows £45
- Two Milk Churns c/w Milk Can £240
- Large Stone Trough £1050
- Fairly Unique Reg Bloor Vintage Building Sign from the Derby Locality £155
The main field items included;
- A Virtually Unused Sovema 100 Mounted Rotovator £1020
- Browns Log Splitter £700
- Brown PTO Saw Bench £1,700
- Kverneland 2 Furrow Match Plough £1,750
- Maschio Reco Tiller £1,300
In the Grassland and General Machinery;
- A set of Manual Chain Harrows £650
- Twose Roll £870
- Vicon Mini Fertiliser Spreader £750
- Taarup 224 Disc Mower £1,420
- Taarup 1116 2 Drum Mower £1,050
The prime movers on the farm included New Holland and Kubota tractors together with a Bobcat and all had been owned from new and were in very good order. Detailed below as;
- 2017 Bobcat S70 (62 hours only) £13,150
- Kubota B6100 £2,220
- Kubota L3200 (65 Plate-157 Hours) £12,300
- Kubota M7040 c/w Loader (59 Plate-760 Hours) £23,800
- New Holland 4135 (N Reg-1767 Hours) £11,150
- New Holland TN75D (Y Reg-1,224 Hours only) £14,500
Mr Hadfield’s diesel Nemo Van had undertaken few miles and made a resounding £5,750 with the Yamaha RT100 Mini Trail Bike on which Mr Hadfield had checked his cattle achieving an excellent £680.

Already booking sales for the new 2022 season.

Mark Elliott
Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer