Machinery & Dispersals

Machinery Dispersal Report-Manor Farm, Packington 2023-02-17

“Massive Interest at Packington Dispersal for Massey Fergusons and Other Makes”

Mark Elliott

The dispersal sale on behalf of the Plant Family at Manor Farm, Packington saw the stars of the show being the classic Massey Ferguson tractors together with a superbly kept John Deere 6120M c/w Loader.

There had been very strong pre-sale interest particularly from Scotland and Leicestershire with regard to the two Massey Ferguson Classic Tractors being a 3085 4WD (L Plate) and a 590 2WD Standard 8 Gearbox c/w Loader.

In the Smaller Lots:

  • Half a Pallet of Crash Barriers                                      £120 per lot
  • Half a Pallet of Creosoted Stakes                               £245
  • New Roll of Sheep Wire                                                 £60
  • Bucket of Gate Fittings                                                   £48
  • Short PTO Shaft                                                                £90
  • Eight-Front Tractor Weights                                        £330
  • Martin Lishman 3 Phase Blower Fan                         Up to £320 each
  • Wiley Temperature Probe                                            £100

There had been a large range of Sheep Equipment on the farm to include both ring feeders, troughs, walk through troughs and other sundries as follows;

  • Galvanised Three Wheel Feed Barrow                     Up to £165 each
  • Wyedale Five Teat Calf Suckling Unit                        £105
  • Two-Heat Lamps c/w Bulb                                            Up to £32 each
  • Longhorn 12 Volt Shearer                                             £240
  • Ridley Wrapper Barrow c/w Three Reels                £430
  • Six-Reels of Wire                                                              Up to £180 per lot
  • Painted End Three Line Stakes                                    Up to £135 per lot
  • ESB 2000 Fencers                                                             Up to £100 each

In the Tractor Sundries and Later Lots:

  • Unused Deso H2500 DD Fuel Station                                        £1,560
  • Galvanised 8ft Leg Troughs                                                          £200 each
  • Small Water Troughs                                                                      £105 each
  • Large Water Troughs                                                                      £150 each
  • IAE 15ft Galvanised Gates                                                            £125 each
  • Bateman Short Length Cattle Crush c/w Steel Floor           £660
  • Five-6 Bar Cattle Hurdles                                                              £720
  • Sheep Feed Rings                                                                             £100 each

There was a large run of Sheep Hurdles including both Painted and Galvanised Varieties with Sets of Five Painted Hurdles up to £90 per set and the Two Sheep Races achieving £460 and £400 respectively.

The Main Equipment on the holding had been extremely well cared for and saw excellent prices including;

  • Slewtic Single Rotor Topper                                                                 £800
  • Kuhn VKM 2800 Mounted Flail Topper                                            £3,500
  • McConnel PA 93 E Mounted Flail Hedgecutter                            £5,100
  • Brice Suma Profi Supreme Rear Mounted Post Knocker          £7,850
  • Cousins 3 Leg V Form Sub Soiler c/w Heavy Duty Crumbler    £2,250
  • Dowdeswell DP100S 4 Furrow Reversible Plough                       £3,600
  • Simba Trailed Hydraulic Folding Ring Rolls                                     £4,500

In the Trailers:

  • Marshall MB8 Twin Axle Grain Trailer                                                      £3,700
  • Marshall QM10 Twin Axle Mono Bodied Grain Trailer                       £4,200
  • Ifor Williams 14ft Tri-Axle Livestock Trailer c/w Decks                      £4,800

As detailed above, the tractors had created wide national interest with the Massey Ferguson 590 2WD c/w Massey 80 Loader on S Plate at 7,200 Hours achieving a wonderful £7,650 to a Staffordshire Collector. The Massey Ferguson 3085 4WD (L Plate-6,759 Hours) to a Scottish Farming Family at £19,200 and the newest model on the field a John Deere 6120M c/w Quicke Q4S Power Loader, 40K Gearbox (18 Plate-2,940 Hours) at £45,000.

A large run of sales currently catalogued and in course of preparation.


Mark Elliott


Farm and dispersal sales, livestock auctioneer

Meg Elliott

Auctioneer and Valuer, Market Associate

Oliver Hiles

Market Associate