Machinery & Dispersals
Sterndale & Peak Final Dispersal Sale 2021-07-01
Deman Rae Tops At Sterndale & Peak
A huge crowd of Holstein breeders and enthusiasts from across the UK and Ireland travelled to Fernydale Farm for the Final Dispersal Sale of the Sterndale & Peak Holstein herd. Owned by Bill Nadin & Yasmin Bradbury who over the years have built up a reputation for breeding excellence based on a solid foundation of prolific cow families with generations of high scoring Excellent cows.
The trade topped at 21,000gns for an outstanding Excellent cow with the overall average for 197 Holsteins coming to £3437 with 23 animals selling for £5,000 or more. Demand for embryos was strong, they topped at 1,250gns to average £961.
Topping the sale at 21,000gns was Sterndale Deman Rae, she was bred from ten Excellent dams going back to Roxy. Her first three dams were Excellent 94 and sired by Snowman, Goldwyn & Kite the next dam by Talent was purchased by Bill & Yasmin for 7,500gns in the Ad Astra Sale in 2006 from Stanhope Holsteins from Vancouver Island. Sterndale Deman Rae was classified Excellent 92 in her third lactation and had recently calved her fourth, her Leasperron Stronger daughter followed her in the ring and sold for 4,800gns, both of these special animals now join the Willsbro Holstein herd in Cornwall.
A beautiful Lambda two year old from the Rae family sold for 7,200gns to the Bunting family from Dumfries. Sterndale Bylambda Rae oozed style, she was bred from a VG87 Byway from a full sister to the dam of the top seller.
Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody is one of the most recognised Holstein cows in the world and several special lines from this legend featured in the sale. Rhapsody was a three time Supreme Champion at UK Dairy Expo and a three time All Britain winner. Selling for 19,500gns was Milliedale Lambda Rhapsody who was sired by Lambda from an Excellent 91 Commander from an Excellent 95 Dusk who topped the 2017 sale at 10,500gns, next dam was the Excellent 97, Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody. This impressive Lambda heifer was purchased by New Chapter Holsteins. Her dam, Milliedale Commander Rhapsody EX91 sold for 5,200gns to the Bunting family from Dumfries who also purchased a July born daughter of Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX97 sired by Doorman Darlingo for 9,000gns.
A Sidekick daughter of Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX97 sold for 8,500gns to the Willsbro Holstein herd in Cornwall. She was a powerful framed in calf heifer carrying a pregnancy to Peak Tropic for October.
Peak ABS Lambda Rhapsody sold for 8,500gns to Mr Garvey from N. Ireland, she was a great granddaughter of Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX97. She had recently calved in her second and has the potential to develop into a high scoring Excellent cow.
One of the standout cow families at Sterndale has been the Ghost cow family and selling for 7,500gns was Sterndale Lindell Ghost a maximum classified second lactation cow who completes ten generations of Excellent classified cows. She was purchased by M&C Millar, Coleraine, N. Ireland. Sterndale Sil Ghost sold for 7,200gns to the McNeil family from Cairnpat Farm near Stranraer. She had classified maximum points in her third lactation and was the ninth generation of direct Excellent cows.
The Jodie cow family has been a major success at Sterndale and selling for 16,000gns was Sterndale Jordy Awe Jodie Red, a ultra stylish show heifer sired by Jordy Red and classified Very Good 87. Her third dam was Sterndale Sterling Jodie Red the All Britain wining two year old in 2014 who sold in the Newabbey Dipsersal for 18,000gns. She was purchased by the Willsbro Holstein herd in Cornwall.
Our next sale at Borderway takes place on Wednesday 7th July and features 330 dairy cattle in the Borderway Monthly Dairy Day sale. The online catalogues for this sale is available at or can be ordered from the Pedigree office on 01228406230. The online Live Bidding platform is available for all our dairy sales, please register for this service at least 24 hours prior to the event.
63 Cows in milk – £3971.67
60 Heifers in milk – £3699.50
12 In Calf Heifers – £3841.25
16 Bulling Heifers – £3025.31
41 Heifer Calves – £2336.89
5 Bulls – £2919.00
27 Embryos – £961.99
197 Holsteins – £3437.02
Leading Prices
Lot Price Purchaser
82 21,000gns Willsbro Holsteins, Pawton Dairy, Wadebridge
114 19,500gns New Chapter Holsteins
89 16,000gns Willsbro Holsteins, Pawton Dairy, Wadebridge
98 9000gns A. Bunting & Son, Midtown Farm, Dumfries
97 8500gns Willsbro Holsteins, Pawton Dairy, Wadebridge
151 8500gns A. Garvey, N. Ireland
118 7500gns M&C Millar, Coleraine, N. Ireland
28 7200gns A. Bunting & Son, Midtown Farm, Dumfries
69 7200gns R. McNeil, Cairnpat, Stranraer
93 7000gns M&C Millar, Coleraine, N. Ireland
115 7000gns Willsbro Holsteins, Pawton Dairy, Wadebridge
124 7000gns M&C Millar, Coleraine, N. Ireland
125 7000gns D Moss, Bleasdale, Preston