Thursday Lunchtime Sheep Sale 2020-11-26

Bakewell Market Thursday Lunchtime Sheep Sale

800 Sheep including 611 Finished Lambs 161 Cull Ewes & 28 Store Sheep


611 Lambs Av. 202.75p/kg

A similar trade to last week for a slightly increased entry.  Well finished lambs again commanding a significant premium and to a top of 249p/kg

Leading Prices:

39.4kg 236p/kg GA Ball, Marston Montgomery
41.6kg 232p/kg AP Leason, Ilam
42.1kg 239p/kg D Fotherby & Sons, Wormhill
42.7kg 247p/kg B Ford, Lymehandley
45.2kg 231p/kg GA Waller, Bullington
46.6kg 222p/kg C Ford, Whaley Bridge
46.7kg 234p/kg ER Needham, Bolehill



32.1 – 39kg To: 215p/kg Ave: 198.45p/kg
39.1 – 45.5kg To: 247p/kg Ave: 206.53p/kg
45.6 – 52kg To: 234p/kg Ave: 194.61p/kg
52kg + To: 200p/kg Ave: 182.96p/kg



161 Cull Sheep Av £59.66 per head

Another respectable trade with best ewes to £100.


28 Store Lambs Av £62.64 per head

An excellent trade to a top of £71.


Peter Oven

Market Associate

Ivor Lowe


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