Livestock & Dairy: Bakewell Market

Bakewell Market

Tuesday 20th September 2022

As a mark of respect for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, Bakewell Livestock Market will be closed on Monday 19th September. A market will be held on Tuesday 20th September.
All Bagshaws and Bury and Hilton offices will be closed on Monday 19th September. The offices will reopen as usual at 9am on Tuesday Morning.
All market enquiries to Alastair Sneddon
07973 982441


09.30 OTM and Barren Cows

10.15 Prime Lambs followed by Ewes

11.00 Store Cattle Feeding bulls followed by Breeding cattle Concluding with Steers and Heifers ‘Store Cattle’. Please phone to enter your store cattle by 12 noon on Friday to be Included on the “Early Warning List” for Mondays sale. This enables us to inform buyers of the anticipated entries.

12.00 Finished Cattle Young Bulls followed by prime Steers and Heifers

12.00 Calves